Omegammoth's Rampage

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Omegammoth: ...Where are the other Titans?

Crocodile Titan: I'm sorry to say this, boss...

Scorpion Titan: But all of the other Titans fear those Mechas. And the ones who fought them and survived are still recovering from the injuries.

Arctic Fox Titan: We're sorry...

Omegammoth growled and roared causing the ground to shake.

Crocodile Titan: WHOA!

Omegammoth: Fine then. Rest up for now. I shall crush the Mechas myself, along with GodJackal.

Scorpion Titan: Very well.

Crocodile Titan: Kick their asses, boss! 

Arctic Fox Titan: Make them wish they'd never messed with us Titans!

Omegammoth nodded and started to walk through the Mushroom Kingdom, every step he took shook the ground violently beneath him.

FM: Uh oh... 

X: *Grabs his radio* All forces, retreat! Retreat!

Omegammoth: I will take my anger out on those pests!

FM and X quickly got into their car as Omegammoth's trunk spurted deadly flammable gas everywhere.

Policeman 1: *Rapid coughing* CAN'T BREATHE!

Policeman 2: OOF! MY LUNGS!

Omegammoth breathed a small amount of fire which collided with the gas.


X slammed his foot on the brakes and quickly drove away before getting consumed by the flames.

Policeman 1: AH! JESUS CHRIST! OH, FUCK!

Policeman 2: I AM ON FIYA!!!

FM: That was too fucking close...

X: Yeah... We almost got fried! 

Omegammoth jumped in front of the police car and roared at the two officers inside.

FM/X: *Homer Simpson scream*

Before Omegammoth could stomp on them, GodJackal came out of nowhere and kicked Omegammoth in the pingas.


Omegammoth: GAH!!!

GodJackal: Now your kind won't be able to reproduce.

Viger: *Laughs his ass off*


WRATH2501: For an all powerful god, that was a good joke!

Omegammoth: Grrr...!

Omegammoth rammed his tusks into GodJackal's chest and started charging him through multiple buildings.

GodJackal: AGH! OOF! ARGH!!!

Omegammoth: I will kill you and avenge my father!

Omegammoth pushed GodJackal onto his back and stomped on his chest.

GodJackal: *Spits blood out*

Omegammoth: Yes... Now... *Tusks glow orange*

GodJackal: Not so fast...

Omegammoth: Shut your mouth, canine- Hmm?

Infinite: Need some assistance, GodJackal?

Crystal: We're here to save the day!

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