Early Spooks

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Crystal was inside of a mall with Cristina and Jen looking in a GameStop.

Crystal: Hmm...

Jen: I want to get the remastered Ghostbusters video game! 

Cristina: Ooooooh. 

Crystal's phone began to ring.

Crystal: I'll be back in a few minutes, girls. 

Jen: Okay, sis!

Cristina: Alrighty then.

Crystal walked out of the GameStop and walked out of the mall, then dialed Infinite's phone number again since she had missed the call before. She held it up to her ear and waited, but there was no response.

Crystal: What? Why didn't he answer?

Crystal tried again, and this time Infinite answered the call.

Infinite: Sorry about that, sweetie. There was... An accident back here in the castle.

Crystal: What happened?

Infinite: Turco told me that when he walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to get a can of Coke, a snake suddenly constricted him and dragged him into the refrigerator. 

Crystal: Huh...?

Infinite: Then he found himself at a circus, he walked into a funhouse and saw Laura between two glass walls. Then... Laura got hurt badly.

Crystal: What? How?!

Infinite: ...Turco doesn't actually remember. He says that when he tried to free Laura from the glass walls, his mind was extremely fuzzy.

Crystal: Oof... I'll be back soon, anyways. I'll tell Jen.

Infinite: Alright. Love you, Crystal.

Crystal: Love you too, Infinite.

Crystal ended the call and put her phone in her pocket, when suddenly she looked up to see someone sitting on the head of a statue, who was covered by red balloons.

???: Why, hello there!

Crystal: Huh?!

???: Oh... You may not remember me. Actually, I don't think you were around when I had fun with your parents.

Crystal: W-what? What do you mean?

The person let go of the balloons, revealing a creepy but evil clown.

Pennywise: Your parents all those years ago... It was amazing to see how brave they were. And they actually defeated me with some friends. But I hear they're dead... And that makes me sad... But, the good news! I can have fun with their daughter!

Crystal: N-no... You...?! Mom and dad told me stories about you!

Pennywise: That's great to hear! Now, how about we have some fun? 

Pennywise suddenly turned into a zombie version of Infinite and ran at Crystal.

Crystal: EEP!!!

Crystal yelped and ran back into the mall as Pennywise chased after her.


Crystal ran into the GameStop and took a deep breath.

Cristina: Huh?

Jen: Whoa, sis! What's wrong?!

Crystal: Spooky... Clown...!

Cristina: Wait, what?

Jen: Spooky clown?

Cristina walked out of the GameStop and looked around.

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