Double Gamer Gals

188 6 28

The group found the police force outside of a skyscraper.

Infinite: FM!

FM: Ah, Infinite! You're here!

X: Thank god... She's in the skyscraper in front of us.

Starman3: She's been a pain in the ass. Look around. She randomly attacked police officers while running at light speed.

Viral Fury Cristinonetta: Oof... Well, we'll take care of her.

Flashwing Crystal: Yep.

MarioMario54321: Could two of you stay behind and help us with another issue?

Ice Jen: Sure, we're up.

Turlandb: You guys will be fine on your own.

Infinite: Okay.

Laura: I'll help you, dad.

Future Comet: I'll join in too. 

Turlandb: Alright, Laura and Future Comet. So, what do you need, MarioMario54321?

MarioMario54321: Something... Weird has been going on.

Turlandb: What is it?

MarioMario54321: We've been seeing these... Random cracks in the air.

Ice Jen: Cracks? What do you mean?

Starman3: We have no idea what they are. Police have reported coming across these random cracks. They're a dark magenta color and we're not sure if they are dangerous.

Laura: Weird... 

MarioMario54321: There's one not far from here. Me and Starman3 will take you to it.

Future Comet: Alrighty then. I wonder what these cracks are?

UI Smesh: Now, let's get in there.

Viral Fury Cristinonetta: Time to kick this faker's ass!

The four busted the doors open and found Kristina sitting on top of a fountain.

Kristina: Hello there!

Viral Fury Cristinonetta: You!

Kristina: Come to kill me, I presume? 

Viral Fury Cristinonetta: Damn right I have! There's only ONE Cristina in this world!

Kristina: And that's me! As for your lover and your friends...

Infinite: *Raises an eyebrow*

Kristina lifted the Despair Gauntlet X into the air and summoned a group of Smash Ultimate fighters.

Flashwing Crystal: *Jontron voice* HOLY SHIT!

Kristina: They can fight those guys. We'll have a good one on one!

Viral Fury Cristinonetta: Grrr... Fine, then. Let's do this.

Kristina jumped off the fountain and tackled Viral Fury Cristinonetta.

Viral Fury Cristinonetta: OOF!

Kristina: Weren't expecting that, were ya?

UI Smesh: Good luck, Cristina! 

Flashwing Crystal: We'll try and join you once we get past these guys!

Viral Fury Cristinonetta nodded and blocked her evil clone's punch.

Kristina: Let's take this fight to a higher floor!

Kristina kicked Viral Fury Cristinonetta into an elevator.

Infinite X CrystalWhere stories live. Discover now