R64: Triple Chompin' Terror

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Somewhere out in a field, a bunch of Bob Omb Buddies were watching over three Chain Chomps. 

Chain Chomp 1: I'M... HUNGRY!

Chain Chomp 2: Where's my burrito?! Where's my burrito?!

Chain Chomp 3: ...

Bob Omb Buddy 1: Okay, calm down! Here you go!

The Bob Omb Buddy threw a burrito into each of the Chain Chomp's mouths.

Chain Chomp 1: Nom nom nom...

Chain Chomp 2: That was delicious!

Chain Chomp 3: ...

Bob Omb Buddy 2: I don't like how silent the third one is being. He's been like this all day.

Bob Omb Buddy 1: Agreed... It's spooky.

Toast Fairy: YEAH, TOAST!!!

Bob Omb Buddy 2: *Homer Simpson scream* Oh, hi there... 

Bob Omb Buddy 1: What are you doing here?

Fat Shy Guy: Oh, my son is showing me around. Isn't that right, son?

Toast Fairy: YEAH, TOAST!!!

Bob Omb Buddy 2: Okay then... 

The Toast Fairy looked around and saw a piece of toast on a plate.

Toast Fairy: *Sr Pelo gasp*

Chain Chomp 1: Dafuq?

The Toast Fairy grabbed the piece of toast and went to eat it, when suddenly one of the Chain Chomps lunged at the Toast Fairy but got held back by the chain it was attached to.

Toast Fairy: *Nelson voice* HAHA!

Chain Chomp 3: *TRIGGERED*

Bob Omb Buddy 1: Hey, calm down! 

The Chain Chomp lunged one more time, the chain couldn't hold and broke into pieces.

Toast Fairy: OH, WHAT THE FU-

The Chain Chomp caught the Toast Fairy in it's jaws and chomped down splattering blood on the walls.

Bob Omb Buddy 2: OH, GOD!


Bob Omb Buddy 1: RUN, BITCH! RUN!!!

Fat Shy Guy: What's with all of the screaming- OH MY FUCKING GOD-

The Chain Chomp jumped on top of the Fat Shy Guy and chomped him in half.

Fat Shy Guy: I am ded.

Chain Chomp 1: Free us!

The third Chain Chomp freed his brothers and chuckled evilly.

Chain Chomp 2: Thanks, brother! So... How about we go cause some chaos?

Chain Chomp 3: Very well! 

The three Chain Chomps escaped from the field and began to wreak havoc on a road. Meanwhile with Infinite and Crystal, they had just finished their Halloween costumes.

Infinite: Yeah! It's done!

Crystal looked at her costume, which was Krystal's gear from Star Fox.

Crystal: *Thoughts: I can only imagine how Infinite will react when I put this on.*

Infinite: I've also put up a ton of decorations on the castles. This Halloween will be so awesome!

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