Trophy Hunt

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Turlandb took down a Giant Primid and continued to look around for more of the trophies, when Petey Piranha fell from the sky.

Turlandb: WHOA!

Petey Piranha: RAWRRRRRRRRR!!!

Primid 1: IT'S GODZILLA!!!


Turlandb: ...DAS A HUGE BITCH!

Petey Piranha: GET IN MAH BELLEH!

Turlandb summoned a Starbit Storm and cracked his knuckles.

Turlandb: Come on then, you big freak!

Petey Piranha charged at Turlandb when a hammer came out of nowhere and hit him in the face.

Petey Piranha: OOF!

Turlandb: Whoa, who did that?!

King Dedede landed in front of Turlandb and grabbed his hammer.

King Dedede: *Retarded laughter*

Petey Piranha: Grrr! Damn it... Stupid Tubby!

King Dedede: Tubby...? NOBODY CALLS ME TUBBY!

King Dedede jumped up and whacked Petey Piranha in the face with his hammer knocking the giant plant monster out.

Turlandb: Thanks for the help, Dedede! Actually, wait... How are you even up? Everyone was turned into trophies!

King Dedede: Oh, you can thank this! *Holds out a Dedede Brooch*

Turlandb: Nice! So, want to help me acquire the rest of the trophies-

Shadow Bugs rained down and surrounded Turlandb and King Dedede.

Turlandb: Dafuq?

The Shadow Bugs all formed into Primids of different kinds.

Turlandb: Ah, shit. Here we go again.

King Dedede: Wait for it...

Turlandb: Huh?

Lucas, Ike, Banjo & Kazooie, Peach and Lucina walked beside King Dedede.


Turlandb: Oh, nice! You guys should run or you'll all go through messy deaths.

Primid 3: ...

Primid 4: Nah. GET EM'!

Banjo: Stand back, everyone. I got this.

Peach: Huh?

Lucina: What are you gonna do?

Banjo walked towards the Primids and grabbed Kazooie by the neck.

Primid 3: Dafuq?

Banjo: ...Wanna know how I put grenades in this bird...?

Primids: O_O

Turlandb: *Chuckle*

Primids: FUCK THAT!

The Primids screamed and ran away, while everyone but Turlandb stared at Banjo in shock.

Banjo: ...What? It's only a joke. 

Kazooie: Kill meh please...

Turlandb: Heh heh... Let's look for more of the fighters.

Meanwhile, Crystal had gathered Link, Zelda, Bowser, Joker and Mr. Game & Watch, her good sense of smell was helping her to easily sniff out the trophies scattered across Subspace.

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