Two Against Many

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Shadownova sat on his throne, preparing himself for the heroes to arrive.

Shadownova: ... *Twirling his staff around* The heroes shall soon be here. It is time to finish what I-

The evil deity then felt a strong presence disappear, he gasped and gripped his chest tightly.

Shadownova: No... No...! V-Void...! My... My queen...!

Ersai: *Walks in* Lord Shadownova? What's going on?

Shadownova: ...Void... Is dead.

Ersai: ...No... Damn it...! 

Shadownova: ...You, Spiderette and Diamond are all I have left now... *Gets up* Ersai, escape from here and help our forces push the rebels back.

Ersai: *Nods* Wait... You're going to fight them on your own?

Shadownova: Yes. I know you want Aeris dead, and I'll gladly allow you to have the kill when it approaches.

Ersai: Thank you, Lord Shadownova. Good luck. *Vanishes*

Shadownova: ...Those monsters are destroying my world... *Clenches his hand into a fist* I will gladly destroy them all with all of my power. 

Shadownova closed his eyes and held the Meme Stones in the air, they spun around in a circle for a few seconds and vanished.

Shadownova: Come forth, "heroes". Angering me is the greatest mistake you've all made... Time to shower this castle with the filth of your entrails and the dust of your bones.

With Infinite and the others, they continued walking deeper into the castle.

Infinite: ...

Laura: I really don't like how quiet it is in here...

Blizzard: I have to agree. It's been a while since anything has happened and the silence is actually making me a little nervous.

Jen: We're all nervous, because we know what's coming next.

Infinite: That's right, Jen. How's Turco?

Laura: Ugh... He's not getting any better... 

Francis: I also discovered that Shadownova put a spell on Turco's Star alongside his energy that makes all of my efforts to remove it completely useless.

Infinite: Shit... *Puts his hand on his mouth and coughs*

Lexi: Hold on, steady, Infinite.

Infinite: Agh... The curse is approaching it's end... 

Phoenix: Oh no...

Smesh: Bestie...

Cristina: ...

Infinite: I'll be fine... I may be on my deathbed, but that doesn't mean it's over.

Raiko: Hmm...

Clark: Hey, Uncle Infinite!

Infinite: Yes, Clark?

Clark: We found the throne room! Shadownova must be in here!

Infinite: Nice work, Clark and Raiko! 

Raiko grabbed her hammer and whacked the doors down. 

Clark: Ooooh. Badass!

Raiko: *Giggle* Thanks, Clark. Let's do this... For Beautiful Luna.

Clark: Indeed.

Everyone walked into the room to see Shadownova levitating in the air.

Shadownova: ...

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