Leaving Home

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Everyone gasped at what Smart Mario just said.

Infinite: T-the... Meta Runner universe...?

Crystal: Oh my god...! 

Smart Mario: That's correct. But the thing is, it will take a very long time to get there.

SB123 Mario looked at SB123 Meggy, who was still in a coma.

SB123 Mario: *Sigh* I know what to do. 

Smart Mario: Hmm?

Gabriel: What do you have in mind?

SB123 Mario opened his Power-Ups box and looked around in it, then pulled out a small device with a single button on it.

Infinite: What's that?

SB123 Mario: Something that will bring memories back for you, Infinite. *Wink*

SB123 Mario pressed the button, as suddenly Starship Mario landed on the ground outside.

SMG4: *Jontron voice* HOLY SHIT!!!


Infinite: Starship Mario?! Let's fucking go!

???: Heya!

A big purple luma levitated down from the top of Starship Mario.

Lubba: Good to see you again, Mario- WHOA! It seems you've made way more many friends since the last time we met!

SB123 Mario: Oh, trust me... Things have gotten pretty intense.

Lubba: So, why did you call Starship Mario? Is something wrong?

Infinite: Yes... But first, I'll explain everything to you so you can understand.

A few minutes later...

Infinite: And that's what's happened...

Lubba: ...I... I don't know what to say... I'm so sorry for your losses... But... This Shadownova fellow put Meggy in a coma?!

SB123 Mario: Yeah... That's right!

Lubba growled and got back on Starship Mario.

Lubba: Hop on! That menace will not get away with this! Anyone who hurts my friends is going to pay!

Infinite: Well, it looks like we'll be leaving home for a while... I'll miss this place.

Crystal: Me too.

Mario: Guys? Me and the others will stay behind so we can keep an eye out for any weird shit.

SMG4: That's for the best.

Saiko: We'll defend this universe until you all come back!

Meggy: (Y/N)... Are you staying or going?

You stopped and hugged Meggy tightly.

(Y/N): I'm going... I need to bring Francis back, no matter what... And I want my fair share of payback on Shadownova. I promise, I will be okay, Meggy.

Meggy: Okay, (Y/N).

You wrapped your arms around Meggy and kissed her on the lips, as she kissed back.

Infinite: Aww...

Crystal: Multiversal Heroes, we'll be leaving in a few minutes!

Splendid: Right!

Crystal: Make sure you've got everything you need, because we'll be gone from home for a while!

Lexi: Okay.

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