The End... Again

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Infinite walked to the top of the castle and sat down, taking a deep breath while staring into the sky.

Infinite: ...It's time for me to rest. My work is done... For now.

Crystal walked up to the roof of the castle with a tray of brownies and two cans of Fanta.

Crystal: Hey, honey!

Infinite: Hi, Crystal!

Crystal sat down next to Infinite and smiled.

Crystal: What are you doing up here all alone?

Infinite: ...Just enjoying the fresh air, without having to worry about an all powerful deity with the power to destroy the Multiverse.

Crystal: *Nods* Oh, honey... You really deserve a rest.

Infinite: Indeed. I've done a lot of work, and I am tired... But there are still villains out there, such as Xeggy and Wario-Man.

Crystal: Speaking of those two... Is it just me... Or did they... Disappear?

Infinite: Now that you mention it... Yeah, we haven't seen them in ages. They're possibly hiding out there somewhere.

Crystal: Mmhmm.

Infinite: Not only that... Fodra's a risk, still. He wants to enter this Multiverse and harvest all of the inklings and octolings... But we won't allow that, and neither will Inkling Titan nor Octoling Titan.

Crystal: That's right. Fodra will meet his downfall soon, however. He's powerful, but he's no Creator of the Multiverse.

Infinite: Yeah... I feel bad for GodJackal. The rest of his family is gone...

Crystal: That may be so, but I know that the others are watching over him.

Infinite: I know that, too.

Crystal: The victory party's gonna start soon, sweetie.

Infinite: Oooooh.

Crystal: Everyone's showing up to it.

Infinite: Literally everyone? Wow, hope we can feed all those mouths.

Crystal: *Giggle* Don't worry about that, honey. The Bowsers are already working on it.

Infinite: Oh, okie dokie.

Crystal: We got our happy ending yet again.

Infinite: Hell yeah we did. First (Y/N) and Meggy, and now us.

Crystal: *Smiles* Yep.

Infinite: It's also Valentine's Day soon. I've got something special planned for not only us, but all of the couples we know.

Crystal: Oooooooooooh! I wonder what it is?

Infinite: You'll see soon, sweetie. *Wink*

The canine couple held hands and started to eat their brownies. Across the Mushroom Kingdom and Inkopolis reconstruction was almost done, thanks to Francis creating tons of robots to help fasten the rebuilding.

Francis: Phew!

Construction Worker 1: Thanks so much for the help, doc!

Construction Worker 2: We really appreciate all of it!

Construction Worker 3: This could of taken weeks, months, or years, but thanks to you, everything is almost rebuilt!

Francis: No problem, you three. Anyways, I should head home. There's going to be a party at the castle soon.

Infinite X CrystalWhere stories live. Discover now