Time's Running Out

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Infinite sat on the roof of the castle with Crystal, he held her hand and kissed her on the cheek.

Infinite: Sometimes I just like to forget all about our problems and just watch the moon and stars.

Crystal: Agreed, honey. It relieves stress.

Infinite: Yeah, it does indeed, sweetie.

Crystal smiled as Infinite coughed out a little bit of blood.

Crystal: H-huh?

Infinite: Agh... I'm fine... It's just the curse, Crystal.

Crystal: Oh, okay...

Infinite: Damn it... O-oh god...

Crystal: Honey...?

Infinite: I-I feel... Weird... *Suddenly throws up a ton of blood*

Crystal: WHOA!!!

Infinite: GAH!!! Ack...!

Crystal: Oh my god! Infinite!

Infinite: W-what the fuck...?! 

Crystal: Infinite, lay down!

Infinite obliged and slowly lied on the floor, blood was still coming out of his mouth.

Infinite: Oh, shit...! I feel awful...! My soul is goddamn hurting!

Crystal: Stay up here, honey! I'll go get Francis!

Infinite: O-okay...! 

Crystal got up and ran downstairs as Infinite wiped the blood from his mouth.

Infinite: O-oh no... I think I know what this is... I just want to be sure first... 

Meanwhile with Shadownova, he could feel Infinite's soul slowly cracking and smiled.

Shadownova: ...Excellent. It looks like the curse's effects are finally taking effect after a matter of months... Now, his death grows near.

Void: I can feel it too, Lord Shadownova. Once Infinite perishes, we'll instantly win.

Shadownova: Indeed we will. And watching the Multiverse fall into despair would be a dream come true. 

Ersai: Heh heh. 

Rocky: What I look forward to most is seeing the faces of his closest friends when he dies. 

Kylie: Same here, Rocky.

Shadownova: I am not sure when the curse will fully overpower Infinite and kill him, but I do know that it will be possibly in a few months.

Spiderette: Good. It's a bit of a wait, but who cares at this point? We've clearly won already.

Shadownova: *Nods* I have trained you all well for my upcoming invasion. Once we obtain the Shaggy Stone, I can finally launch my true revenge on GodJackal. Justice must be served.

Metal Infinite: Lord Shadownova, I have a question.

Shadownova: Ask away.

Metal Infinite: Why do you seek to destroy the Multiverse and create a new one?

Shadownova: It is because GodJackal is corrupt, he made mistakes. For example, the human race. They treat Earth like it's nothing more than a broken toy. I will take great pleasure in wiping those apes out. Then the inkling race, who are nothing more than mutated squids. Once I have all of the Meme Stones, I will fix those mistakes, destroy this Multiverse, create the New Era, and have a world full of peace. I will make no mistakes.

Metal Infinite: Wow...

Shadownova: We'll mow down the Multiversal Heroes first, and then we'll move on with our plan.

The commanders all nodded as Shadownova's left eye color turned orange.

Shadownova: ...

Back with Infinite, Francis finished healing his wounds but sighed.

Francis: Alright, you're good to go, but...

Infinite: B-but?

Francis: ...It's best if you look for yourself. Look in the mirror.

Infinite slowly got up from the operating table and looked in the mirror.

Infinite: ...W-what... T-the... F-fuck...?

The jackal's scar on his chest was now glowing red, and his eye color had turned to a bright red.

Infinite: I-I...

Francis: I'm sorry... The curse... It's entered phase two...

Infinite: P-phase two...? W-what does that mean...?

Francis: ...Basically, it's become so strong that... It can't be cured, or destroyed unless Shadownova is killed... I don't know how much time you have until... IT happens, Infinite.

Infinite: ...

Francis: Can you walk?

Infinite: Yeah... I just need to rest...

Infinite walked out of the lab and instantly got shocked looks from everyone.

Splendid: W-what the hell?!

Turlandb: Infinite, what happened?!

Crystal: *Gasp* 

Smesh: Bestie... Your scar...! Your eyes...!

Infinite: ...The curse has gotten worse... *Holds his soul out*

Infinite's soul was almost fully cracked, and it was only melting faster.

Future Comet: Oh god... No...!

Infinite: But know this, everyone. I will not die without a fight... Shadownova will have to try harder...

Crystal hugged Infinite tightly and shed a few tears.

Infinite: Crystal...

Crystal: I won't allow you to die, Infinite...!

Infinite: Crystal, look at me...

Crystal looked up at Infinite and wiped her tears away.

Infinite: I will try my best to defeat Shadownova... No... ALL of us will.  And the war can take two paths... We either win, or we all lose and die... 

Cristina: Which won't happen.

Smesh: Damn right.

Machito: Shadownova won't win, brother. We'll use all of our power to bring him down, and send him back to where he came from.

Jen: Yeah!

Laura: *Nods*

Aeris: Shadownova may have a powerful army, but we clearly outnumber him with the amount of Multiversal Heroes and our endless army.

Infinite: Indeed we do, Aeris... I need to rest...

Crystal: Okay, honey.

Everyone left the room as Infinite lied down on the couch and fell into a deep sleep.

Infinite: Zzz... I will kill you, Shadownova... Zzz...

(Oof... This is bad for me...)

Anyways, lata!

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