Mini Chapter: Crystal's Dark Past

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Crystal laid on her bed, her head aimed at the ceiling. The only thing going through her mind was her parents.

Crystal: Mom... Dad...

Infinite walked into the room and sat on the bed next to Crystal.

Infinite: Hey, sweetie... Still... Upset?

Crystal: Damn right I am... I can't believe it... My parents...

Infinite: *Sigh* We both share the same pain... *Kisses her on the lips*

Crystal kissed back and shed a few tears, the two started to make out as someone watched from outside.

???: ...I believe this is where she is... Emily... Should I... No, I'm thinking crazy! I have to! I need to assist the Multiversal Heroes... *Looks around* I should go, before someone sees me. *Puts his hood down and vanishes*

Crystal broke the kiss for air and jumped off the bed, she got on the floor and started looking for something.

Infinite: Huh? 

Crystal: Hmm... AHA! Found it.

Infinite: What is it?

Crystal pulled an old and dusty photo album from underneath the bed.

Crystal: My parent's photo album from when I was little... This hasn't been updated in fifteen years...

Infinite: Oh... Oof...

Crystal: The last time this was updated is when I was seven... A day before my parents were killed by that heartless hedgehog...

Infinite: *Hugs Crystal tightly* I've made a promise, and I'll fulfill it.

Crystal: Thanks, honey... I don't think I've ever told you what properly happened all those years ago...

Infinite: No, you haven't... It's okay if you don't want to-

Crystal: It's fine. Okay... Here goes...

Fifteen years ago...

Jade and Raiden sat on the park bench and watched their children play together.

Little Crystal: Tag, you're it, big bro!

Little Flame: Aw, no fair! You used teleportation! 

Little Crystal: *Giggle*

Little Flame: *Hugs Little Crystal tightly*

Little Crystal: Hehe...

Jade: Aww... Do you see that, dear?

Raiden: Indeed I do, Jade. *Holds Jade's hand*

Jade: *Giggle* I had a dream last night...

Raiden: What was it about?

Jade: Actually... I don't think it was a dream... It was... More of a vision... 

Raiden: A vision? Tell me.

Jade: Well, I opened my eyes and got up from the ground... I was near a church, or something. Bells were ringing, and I could hear cheering. I looked through a window and saw our little gem all grown up... Getting married to a brave, handsome man who swore to protect her.

Raiden: By the heavens... When our daughter does get married, I will be so happy.

Jade: Me too, Raiden.

Little Flame: Incoming, sis!

Little Flame whacked the ball a bit too hard and it flew into an alleyway.

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