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Blizzard: Oof...

Francis: You alright, Blizz?

Blizzard: Yes... Thanks for treating my wounds. Goddammit... We were so close to killing Orange Angel, and that light-speed travelling bitch took that away!

Francis: Hey, being sore and salty won't help anything. Don't worry, I've made another pill for Cristina. She won't be running around anymore soon.

Blizzard: Good. Now, I want to kick Zelus' ass.

Francis: Sure. *Whispers* Now stop whining.

Blizzard: Excuse me, what was that?

Francis: Nothing, come on! Let's go kill some villains.

Blizzard: Meh, fine.

The two grabbed their weapons and walked out of the room.

With the heroes...

Orange Angel: Thanks so much, guys...

Infinite: You're welcome! What Francis and Blizzard are doing is wrong. This permanent truce is staying... And no one will change that. It's my call.

Orange Angel: Definitely.

ReaderFromWR: Let's go.

Werewolf Crystalonetta: Wait!

Luna: Huh?

Raiko: What is it, Ms. Crystal?

Werewolf Crystalonetta: Tell you what... How about we lead Francis and Blizzard into a trap?!

Clark: Good idea, Aunt Crystal!

Infinite: What's your plan, sweetheart?

Werewolf Crystalonetta: The villains all live together, right? So... I say... We get them a newer and secure home, and we use their old home as a trap! We set up explosives and turrets!

Infinite: That right there is why I love this girl.

Werewolf Crystalonetta: *Blush*

(Y/N): Then it's settled.

Turlandb: Let's kick some ass!

Machito: Yeah!

Mario: Time to smash some ass!

Flame: You guys deal with Francis... I want to see how strong Blizzard is.

Meggy: Sure, Flame.

Tari: Just be careful...

Flame: I will be.

Clauds: Okay, let's set up these traps!

Werewolf Crystalonetta: Yeah, sis!

Everyone began setting the traps, as Flame jumped on top of a building and waited.

Flame: Let's see how chill you are... Bring it on, Blizzard.

Francis and Blizzard flew above Flame in a helicopter, they were heading towards the old villains' base.

Francis: Hey... Is that Flame down there?

Blizzard: Yeah... I'm going to kick his ass!

Francis: Go on ahead. I'll bring you Zelus afterwards.

Blizzard jumped out of the helicopter and landed in front of Flame.

Flame: Ah, here you are.

Blizzard: Ready to be frozen, hot head?

Flame: Nah, you'll be burnt to a crisp before you can do that, frosty.


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