Chapter 1

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I check the clock next to my bathroom mirror and it reads 9:18.  I quickly brush out my dark brown shoulder length hair and  apply mascara and highlight to bring out my blue-grey eyes. I quickly brush my teeth and check the clock again. 9:28.

I run over to my bed and see that my boyfriend Joey is still asleep. I wonder if I should wake him up. I promised my friend Kelly that we will all go to breakfast together but I don't want him to be angry today.

I gently shake him.

"Hey babe?"

He opens his eyes and groans.

"What do you want"

"We have to go to breakfast with kelly remember? I'll give you some time to get ready and then we can go."

He lies there for a second and then suddenly sits up. I flinch. He definitely looks angry. I panic and try to find a way to calm him down before he reacts.

"I can go wait in the kitchen if you want. There really isn't any rush."

"I fucking told you to never wake me up before 11:00. Come on babe we don't have to go. We can just stay in"

"But I promised kelly!! I don't want to disappoint her."

"I said, we are staying in"

He gets up and moves towards me. I back up into the wall next to the window. He reaches his hand up as if he was going to grab my hair  and I close my eyes. All he does is close the blinds. I sigh in relief and hug my arms while I sink to the floor. A tear escapes my eye and I try to wipe it away quickly but Joey catches me.

He grabs my hand and pulls me up from the floor roughly. I give a surprised shriek and he covers my mouth with his other hand.

I push him off of me and go to the kitchen.

"There's no need to cry over such stupid things. You're so weak and sensitive."

He rolls his eyes and goes to the kitchen and pours himself a glass of water. He mutters something under his breath before taking a sip

I sit down at the table holding back tears. Trying to steady my voice as I try one last time.

"Let's just go today. We haven't seen them in awhile."

He looks at me with disgust.

"You never respect my feelings do you? I always doing so much for you. You do nothing but play your dumb instruments and paint. Why don't you take a shift today huh? Instead of just crying all the time. You are so useless."

Time stops


Ahhhh this is my first Wattpad book and it's probably gonna be really bad lmao. It would be cool if Anyone even reads this :) xx

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