Chapter 12

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I sat awkwardly at the table picking at the tiny little crumbs off my plate. I was trying to think about things like the shade of the table or something random but all I could think about was Ruel.

Ugh. I can't even with myself.

Why am I like this?

Well I guess it's too late now. He just gonna go back to his life in Australia while I'm stuck here.

"WHAT?" how does that even happen?!?? We LITERALLY came here to work on my projects and you just FORGOT about me?"

Ruels very loud conversation broke my train of thought. I tried not to listen in buttttt....

"And where exactly are you guys? Really? So you guys are just gonna leave me all alone?"

What the heck is happening?

"Greaaaaat. Thanks. Thanks A LOT"

He hangs up so to make sure he doesn't think I'm a total creep I gotta play it cool and act like I wasn't listening. So what do I do?

I casually pet my plant. God Nica you are so dumb.

"Soooooo what was uhhh that all about?" I ask cautiously.

He sighs. Ugh he's looks so cute even when he's stressed.

Stop yourself Nica!!

"Well it's quite a story. Apparently my family got a bunch of noise complaints so our entire group got kicked out of the hotel and the only way place they could find can barely fit our group AND it's like a 2 hour drive from here. and because everyone was panicking about the situation they completely forgot about me!! Can you believe that? Anyways I gotta find a place to stay tonight because there's no point in going all the way out there for the night just to come back to the airport tomorrow. Do you know if there are any cheap motels or anything around here?"

Oh damn.

"Hmmm I think there's one about 20 min away....." I say.

Wait. What if I invite him to stay here?

Pfft don't be dumb Nica. You literally met him a few hours ago!!

But we did talk quite a bit... I feel like I've known him forever!!

You can't just hold on to him Nica!! He has to leave at some point!!

Yolo ammiright?

"If you want you could stay here? My couch is a couch bed so you wouldn't have to sleep on the floor. I mean it's totally fine if you wanna stay somewhere else but it might be easier to just stay and then go straight to the airport from here tomorrow and it really won't be any trouble at all" I say quickly.

Jeez this yolo thing is going to ruin my entire life.

Why am I like this?

"But if not it's fine" I add.

Jeez Nica just stop talking!!

"Wow are you sure? I'm asking a lot from you. Especially since we just met today. I don't want to intrude or anything" He says.

"Oh it's no trouble at all!!" I say a little too excitedly.

Please please please stay.

I'm such a creep.

He sits there and thinks about it until his cute stressed out face turns into an even cuter happy face.

"Well if you don't mind then I would love to stay."



I'm sorry for not updating!!

Ik this is really cringe but I hope you guys can still enjoy!!

I also have some pre written chapters so I'll post them soon!!

Thanks for reading this far!!


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