Chapter 51

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We sit there with Ruels lips pressed on my neck until he gets a notification on his phone.

"Ugh it's my sister" he says

"She's telling me to make sure I'm all ready to go, even though she's coming in 45 minuets"

"Well is nice of her to come all this way"

"Yeah I guess so"

"Do you wanna play another round of snakes and ladders?" I ask him

"Oh hell yeah, except I'm beating you this time, Fo sure" he says in a weird accent

"I guess we'll have to find out" I say and kissing his cheek.

I go to stand up but Ruel tightens his grip on me.


"You don't have to get up" he says

"Okay okay"

After we fight about who gets to be Dora because he insists it was all her that won it for me, we start to play.

This game was probably the most intense game I have every played in my entire life.

First it was Ruel in the lead and then it was me.

Each of us made it to the top three times, and each time we were sent back down by that last goddamn snake.

Finally, I got back up to the top and was about to roll my dice.

"Please get a 3, please get a 3" I prayed.

"Holy shit, holy shit" Ruel whispers

"NOOOOOO" I yell as I roll a 1.

Of course I get sent back down the last snake AGAIN.

"HA YOU SUCK NICA, WATCH ME WIN THIS"  He yells, preparing to roll the dice.

"No way, NO WAY"

He blows on the dice fOr GoOd LuCk and rolls.

"YESSSSS, I FREAKING TOLD YOU IS WAS ALL DORA" he yells as he wins the game.


He pushes me off of his lap and does a victory dance.


I get up off of the floor laughing at his stupid little dance moves.

As I'm watching Ruel dance, I feel my heart warming up.

This is the happiest I have been in a long time.

Even if I did lose the game.


Aww I feel like this is just a cute chapter

Thanks for all the funny comments I guys have been leaving on my other chapters!!

I'll try to update again soon!!


||Just one day|| Ruel Van Dijk|| (completed)Where stories live. Discover now