Chapter 29

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"My freedom"

Wow. I guess I never realized how restricting it was to be a public figure.

I sit down on the couch and pat the empty space next to me, signalling him to sit down.

"Tell me about it"

And he did. He told me about how he never sees his friends and how hard it was to maintain relationships, whether it's romantic or not.

How his friends seem to become different people everyone he went home.

How he was never really allowed to go out on his own, even when he needed his space.

How he would have huge fights with his manager over the smallest things.

How he also felt so alone, even though he was surrounded by people.

How he was seen as Ruel, the singer, and not just Ruel.

I'm not really sure how long we were talking but we both ended up on the floor.

I was lying on top of Ruel listening to his hear beat while he had his arms wrapped around me.

Many years were shed by the both of us but in the end we were both silent, hanging on to each others company.

I'm actually happy to be updating right now!!

I'm actually kinda proud of me ngl.

I just realized that there were a bunch of comments on this story and I love reading them!! Whether it's about the story or your opinion on the characters and stuff!!

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!!


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