Chapter 77

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We get out of our Uber and we have to walk about half a block to get to the restaurant which I didn't mind.

We walked hand in hand when Ruel was stopped a couple teenage girls.

"Oh my god, wait Ruel?" One of them said hesitantly.

Ruel drops my hand.

"Umm hello" he says awkwardly.

The two girls start freaking out and ask for a picture which I offer to take for them. I really didn't mind seeing as it was a part of his job.

They looked a little taken aback to have seen me with him but they got their picture.

They were chatting for a little bit and I didn't really want to get in the way so I just stood aside.

"Is she your girlfriend?" One of them asks Ruel.

"No, umm she's just a friend" Ruel says looking really uncomfortable.

Okay that did hurt a little but its not something I'm going to get worked up over. I get it, their his fans and he doesn't want to say too much.

They eventually let us leave and Ruel comes back to me looking really panicked.

"Nica I'm so sorry about that" he says.

"Ruel it's okay, it's a part of your job" I reassure him.

"I'm so sorry I told them you were just a friend! I mean if I told them that I had a girlfriend my manager would kill me and some things I want to keep to myself and-" he stops out of breath.

I stop and cup his cheek, turning his face towards me.

"Ruel, calm down. You don't have to worry. I'm not going to freak out or anything. Besides, you never technically asked me to be your girlfriend anyways" I say shrugging while continuing forward.

"Wait what?" He says, standing still.

"Hmm?" I turn around

Ruel smacks himself on his forehead so loudly, some people walking by turn around to look at him.

"I cannot believe that I haven't asked you!! Holy shit I'm a dumbass" he says staring at me in disbelief.

I walk over and grab his hand and pull him towards me.

"Ruel it's oka-"

"No no no, this is not okay!! Oh my goodness I'm so so so sorry Nica" he says, looking sad.

"Ruel look at me" I say, lifting his chin up and kisssing him. "Just ask me now"

"Nica, will you be my girlfriend?" He says with puppy dog eyes.

I put my hand on my chin, pretending to think.

"Oh coME ON" Ruel says

"I'm kidding, yes Ruel of course" I say laughing as he kisses me on the cheek.

"Jeez I'm such a doofus" he mutters.

" now your my doofus. Now come on, we don't want to miss our reservation" I say pulling him along.

So we continue to walk, hand in hand.


I love all the positive things ppl are saying about this book!!

Thank you guys for reading!!


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