Chapter 32

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A/n: so I never really chose a location for the story so I kept it pretty vague but for this idea the story will be set in Canada. Just keep reading and u will realize why lmao

Oh wow.

He is so freaking smooth what the heck?

What do I say?

Quick Nica stop being stupid.

I can feel my cheeks heating up but I can't stop staring into his eyes.

"Wanna pull an all nighter?" I blurt out.

Really buddy? That's all you could come up with? God Nica you are so freaking dumb.

Thankfully, he just laughs.

"Yeah sure I'm so down" he says

"Really? You won't be tired tomorrow?"

"Nah I can just sleep on the plane. It'll be fun." He says grinning.

I sigh with relief. Okay good job Nica. You actually had a good idea.

"Oh wow it's almost 10:30" I say.

"Oh yeah" he says.

We lie still for a few minutes.

All of a sudden I jump up.

"I know just what we need if we are gonna pull an all nighter. Especially if you are leaving tomorrow." I say.

I grab his hand and try to pull him up.

"Whaaaaat. Can't we just lie here?" He says lazily.

"Nooooo come on ruel put your shoes on. We gotta go to Tim's!!" I say, still trying to pull him up.

"Tim's? Who's Tim? Is he your drug dealer or something?"

"What the hell? I don't do drugs!! Also Tim's as in Tim Hortons? Like the coffee/donut shop?" I say.

"Ohhhhhhhh" he says.

"Just put your shoes on ruel!! It's only a few blocks away!!"


He finally gets up.


Lol this chapters just a filler!!

I'm hoping the next chapter will be longer but we will see I guess.

Anyways thanks for reading, commenting and voting!!!!


||Just one day|| Ruel Van Dijk|| (completed)Where stories live. Discover now