Chapter 80

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I wake up to Ruels phone going off and ruel himself, sound asleep. I poke at him until he gives me a reaction.

"Ruel your phone" I tell him.

"Ughhhh here you can take it" he says handing me the ringing phone and rolling over.

I see that coco's calling so I pick it up.

"Hi coco" I say.

"HEY MOTHERFU- wait Nica? Sorry I thought ruel would pick up. So now you guys are THAT kinda couple now oooh I see you" coco says teasing me.

"Stooooop. Anyways where are you?"

"Oh right, I crashed at a friends house but I will be back soon, probably around 11:00 ish" she says.

"Okay that sounds good!! See you soon!" I say.

"Byeeeee" she says, hanging up.

I look over and Ruels fast asleep. I push his hair out of his face and then mess it up again. It sucks that he's leaving today but we had a really great time together.

I can't even believe all the things he's  done for me and I'm actually excited about future plans, hopefully with him.

I shake Ruel to wake him up again.

"Ruel you gotta get up!! We have to get ready!! Cocoa coming back soon"

"Ugh five more minutes" he says pulling me back under the covers with him.

"You've done this everyday ruel come ON"

"And yet, everyday you stay an extra five minutes with me" he says snuggling closer to me and kissing the top of my head.

"Fine you got me there, but for real ruel, we can't sleep in"

"Okay okay"

Once we finally got out of bed we eat breakfast and get ready for the day.

As promised, coco came back at around 11:00. Ruel and coco both spent the rest of the afternoon packing before they had to head to the airport.

Once we were at the airport I had to take a step back and let ruel handle his fans there. Coco and I just talked the entire time although people went up to her as well.

When the three of us finally made it to as far as security would let me go we had to say our goodbyes.

First I hugged coco and we made promises to visit each other without ruel and to stay in touch.

And then I had to say good bye to ruel.

Ruel wrapped his arms around me and we hugged each other very tightly.

"I love you Ruel" I whispered in his ear.

"I love you more" he says.

With lots of hugs, kisses and promises to call each other every night, he went through the gate and I turned around to go home.

Although this was sad, I knew that this was just the beginning for us.


Oooh I haven't updated in a minute!!

Sorry this is such a terrible chapter!!

I hope you enjoyed reading it anyways!!


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