Chapter 68

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"Oh I almost forgot!! Where's my box?" Ruel says.

The three of us were sitting at the table and drinking some lavender tea when ruel jumped up to go look for his box.

"Okay Nica this is for you" he said with a huge smile on his face. I could tell he was excited for me to open up the box.

"Okaaaaaay" I say while opening it up.

Inside were the bucket hats he promised.

"Oh my gosh wow!!!" I say, putting one on. "Thank you thank you thank you!!"

"Yay I'm glad you like them!! I definitely picked them all out for you"

"That's a lie" coco says.

"Okay I may have went to coco for a little bit of help" he admits

"A little bit? Ruel you almost had a panic attack because you didn't know which ones would look the best on her."

"Okay FINE, fine I may have panicked a little bit"

I get up and hug them both.

"Thank you guys so much!! I really do love them all."

"It's no problem" ruel says, blushing slightly.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot to ask, where are you guys staying for the next week?"

"Right umm about that....I was wondering if we could ummm spend the night here? If not it's totally fine and we can find a hotel or something we understand" he said quickly.

"Oh what?? It's totally fine, you guys can spend the entire week here if you want!!" I say, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. It really was no problem.

"Here coco you can come and take the guest bedroom" I say grabbing her suitcase and leading her to the room.

"Thank you so much Nica"

"Yeah no problem" I say, grabbing some blankets for myself out of the closet.

"You know Ruel really likes you" she says.

I look up and I realize that it's just the two of us alone.

"Really?" I say.

Even though I knew that he had feelings for me, it felt good to be reassured by someone else.

"Yeah, he talks about you non-stop. You've really motivated him to work harder somehow, which was something our parents were struggling to help him with."

"It's funny you say that now because I told him that I was only going I distract him" I say smiling.

"Oh yeah he told me all about it. He wanted to prove you wrong so badly. Our parents were very concerned for his sanity especially when he went from moping around the house to suddenly writing songs almost every night. He's insane" coco says.

"Wow" I breathed.

Suddenly we heard a knock and the door swung open.

"Whatcha guys doing in there?" Ruel asks.

"Nothing nothing. Come on let's go to the living room. I wanna get to know more about your lives back in Australia" I say.

We all head out of the room and talked.

We talked and talked and talked.


Ahhh sorry I haven't been updating!!

I will definitely get back on that soon!!

I hope you guys are still enjoying this book!!


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