Chapter 8

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A teardrop slides down my cheek as I hold my phone with both hands. It takes everything I have to block Joey and it hurts like hell.

Ruel walks into the room so I try to wipe my tears before he notices but it's too late.

"Hey,what happened?" He asks.

"It was umm Joey calling, he was asking for forgiveness and stuff." I sniffed

"Are You okay?" He asks.

I've been holding back my tears pretty well until he asked me if I was okay. I am embarrassed to say that I burst into tears right then and there.

"Oh gosh" he says quietly as he walks over to me.

He hesitantly wraps his arms around but when I lean into his chest he pulled me closer to him.

"I'm so sorry you have to see me like this" i mumble into his chest.

"Shhhh don't worry Nica, it's gonna be alright."

"Thank you" I say.

"Sometimes it's hard to let go but when you do you, you have a chance to find yourself." He said.

I look up into his eyes with a small smile.

"That's so cheesy" I say chuckling

"Yeah I know, at least I can see that beautiful smile of yours." He says with a grin.

We pull away and I finish wiping my tears away when I notice Ruels shirt has my tears on it.

"Sorry about your shirt, it's all wet now."

"Oh don't worry about it. It's technically your shirt anyways."

"Oh right. Also did you let ur parents know where you were? Can you stay for lunch?" I ask eagerly.

"Yeah my dad said yes." He laughs.

His laugh gives me butterflies. Stop it Nica!! You just met this person like an hour ago!

I quickly check the time and it's only 10:47.

"We have some time to kill so do you wanna watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure, what movie do you wanna watch."

"We can see whats on Netflix. I'll go get some snacks because I'm hungry."

Ruel sits down on the couch while I grab a bag of chips. When I return he's sitting on the far side of the couch so i sit down on the other side. I start to play a random movie but after a few minuets I get kinda cold.

I get up and grab a blanket.

"Can I join you?" Asks Ruel.

"Of course" I say with a slight laugh.

We both move to the middle of the couch and I lift the blanket over us. There is no way to sit comfortably without touching him so after a couple minuets of the both of us trying not to invade each others personal space we both give up and just cuddle.

Halfway through the movie my head falls on to his shoulder. I feel his eyes on me and my cheeks burn. He then puts his head on top of mine.

We are both smiling as the movie continues.


Sorry for not updating in awhile!!

Also I just thought I would mention how to pronounce Nicas name. [Neeka]

Thanks for sticking with this book!!

I have some ideas for it so I'll try to continue writing and stuff.


||Just one day|| Ruel Van Dijk|| (completed)Where stories live. Discover now