Chapter 55

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Nica's POV

When ruel comes out of the bathroom I can see that he's nervous for some reason.

I'm sitting down at the table and I quickly glance at the clock.


We're almost running out of time.

Ruel sits down awkwardly across the table from me.

His phone dings and he looks down.

"My sister says she's on her way"


"Sooooooo" he starts, his face already turning a little red.

"Why are you acting so weird?" I say, already kinda knowing what he's going to say

"Welllll I was WONDERING if I could umm giveyouacallwhenigetbackhome" he says looking up at me hopefully.

Ugh those eyes

"Right ummm about that" I say looking away

I can't bear to look at him while I do this.

"I think it might be best if we just... went our separate ways" I say sighing.

His face immediately falls.

"Oh" he says.

"I'm really sorry ruel" I say grabbing his hand that was lying on the table.

"Did all of this just...not mean anything?" He says quietly, his voice cracking.

My heart hurts

"No Ruel, I've been really happy with you, it's wouldn't work."

"You don't know that"


"You don't know that it's not gonna work out Nica, you gotta give me a chance" he says

"Ruel you're living your life and I'm stuck here until I'm at least 18, if not the rest of my life."

"What if I want to live my life with you?"

"Ruel you know you can't"

"I know that my heart belongs to you Nica. I know that I've been the happiest I've ever been in a months. I know that your smile makes my knees weak. I know that your laugh is contagious. I know that I don't deserve you. All I'm asking for is a chance Nica. Please" he looks around desperately as if he's gonna see my phone number taped to the fridge.

"Ruel I..."

I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"Ruel you know we can't. We're just kids."

"I thought you understood me Nica. If my job gets in the way of me being happy then I don't want it."

"Ruel you can't just quit for me!! This is what I'm talking about!! Doesn't the fact that you're ready to throw away everything you've worked for, scare you?? All for what? Me?? No matter how much I love you, I can't let you do this"

Ruels head perks up.

"You love me?" He says


"You said you love me"

"No I didn't ruel!! I said like!!"

"You said love"

I feel my face turning red

"Ruel you're missing the point!! I don't think this is a good idea!! We can't do this!!"

"Please Nica, just give me a chance. All I want is a chance!" He says, his voice getting even more desperate.

"Please Nica"

I can see tears running down his cheek.

I can't even look at him.

We hear a car honk outside.

"That must be your sister" I say, slowly letting go of his hand.

We both stand up and Ruel puts his shoes on.

I open the door and turn around to say goodbye.

I give him a hug.

"I'm sorry ruel, I really am sorry" I whisper in his ear.

I step aside and let him out the door. As I was about to close it ruel pushes it open and kisses me.

Our arms fall into place and my body fits into his.

This one was different than any other kiss we've shared before.

I felt a pulling in my stomach



I can't help but kiss back

We hear another honk come from the car and he pulls away slowly.

"I love you too Nica, I promise I'll come back here"

"don't make promises you can't keep Ruel" I say wiping my tears away.

"NICA WILLIAMS, I PROMISE THAT I WILL BE BACK" he yells for the whole neighbourhood to hear.

I'm laughing and crying as I push him away from the door.

"Just go ruel"

Even though I was the one pushing him away, I couldn't help but hope that he comes back. Even just for a visit as friends.

But in my heart, I know he will come back.


Okay okay okay!!!


Thanks for all of the comments on my last chapter!! They were so fun to read!!

Sorry for writing such a sad chapter but it had to be done!!


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