Chapter 79

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The entire ride home in the Uber consisted of Ruel and I constantly making physical contact with each other.

Not only was I leaning against Ruel so much that I was practically on his lap but we were holding hands and then my lips were pressed against his. His hand moved to my leg when he whispered 'I love you' into my ear. I leaned my head back into his neck and put my hand over his.

feeling the butterflies in my stomach, I closed my eyes and let myself breath in sync with him as he rubbed circles on the palm of my hand.

When we got out of the car, we walked to the front door with my hand in his, only letting go when I reached for the key.

He hugged me from behind and pressed his lips on my neck, making me pause before continuing to open the door.

I walk in first with ruel following behind me. Once he closes the door I push him back into the door and we kiss, his hands getting tangled in my hair.

I'm so out of breath I pull back, smiling. I look up to see him smiling too. He leans his head back on the door and I bury my head in his chest, his arms pulling me closer to him.

Ruel uses his hand to gently lift up my chin so my eyes meet his. He brushes my hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear and kisses me again.

"Okay okay okay" I say pulling away, out of breath.

"Come on, we haven't even take our shoes off yet" I continue while taking off my heels.

"Okay" he says slipping his shoes off.

I walk over to my room and put the heels back in the closet. When I turn around Ruels sitting on the bed with his shirt untucked, running his hand through his hair.

"Oh here's your jacket" I say, taking the jacket off.

"Thank you" I say, handing him the jacket.

He grabs the jacket and puts it beside him on the bed.

"Come here nicaaaaa" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him.

He wraps his arms around my waist and I brush his hair out of his face with one hand and cup his cheek with the other.

As we kiss, Ruel moves back on the bed so I can climb onto his lap, which makes my dress ride up a bit. I tug at the buttons on his shirt as things get a little more heated.

"Wait wait wait" Ruel says out of breath.


"Are you sure you umm do this?" He asks shyly.

"Ruel, I'm okay with this"

"Okay I just want to make sure..." he says hesitantly.

"I love you Ruel"

And with that, we fall back onto the bed.


Well this chapter got a little steamy haha

Well thanks for reading!!!


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