Chapter 35

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We finish up our drinks and start walking back to my house.

Ruels phone starts to ring.

When he sees who it is he rolls his eyes and picks up.

"Hi coco" he says.

After a lot of mmmhmm's and yup's he hung up.

"It was my sister, she was calling to make sure i was all good and to tell me that she's picking me up tomorrow morning at 10:15"

"Oh" I say disappointedly.

He leans down and kisses my cheek.

"Hey, we'll make the most of it okay?"

I nod.

"Oooooh you know what I'm craving right now? Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." I say.

"Damn your mood changed real quick at the mention of sandwiches" he says laughing.

"Yeah we can make some and then have our picnic outside. We will bring blankets and other snacks too." I say excitedly.

We finally make it back home and I start to turn on the lights in the kitchen.

"Ruel, I'm gonna make the sandwiches. Do you think you can get the blankets? There should be a blue one and a green one at the top of the closet by the door. Bring them both please!!"

"Yes ma'am" he says saluting me.

I laugh and start to make the sandwiches.

He comes over and holds them up.

"These ones?" He asks.


I hear him put the blankets down and come up behind me as I'm spreading the peanut butter.

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in.

All of a sudden I feel his lips on my neck.

Oh wow. This is new.

But I don't want him to stop.

I let my hands rest on the counter and lean my head back. My eyes close as he slowly makes his way up my neck.

All of a sudden ruel stops.

"Oops" he says giggling.

"Ruel..." i say


"Did you leave a mark?" I say in a fake stern voice.


I roll my eyes and laugh.

"You are a terrible liar"

We both laugh and he kisses me on the cheek.

"You love me for it" he says with a big cheesy grin.

I sure do


This chapter is adorableee

Thanks for all the votes and comments!!!


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