Chapter 63

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Hi Nica

Yo whaddup bruh

FIRST OF ALL how DARE you criticize me for the use of "what's sizzlin" when you LITERALLY said "what's been cooking" what the actual fuck.

Also it was very nice of you to write little notes for me sisters (even though you called me a BULLY?!? how DARE you)

I will be waiting patiently for the rainbow scarf even if it does take many years to complete. Oh and take your time on the USB stick cuz it's all for lolz.

Hopefully Alex doesn't die too soon!! Although when I was at ur house you had a pretty solid garden thingy happening so it should survive... hopefully. Maybe I should get a little plant companion too. Except i don't know how to take care of plants sooo....

Also ha ha yes I'm a doofus and I hate tree branches but your story isn't even that embarrassing!! (But it's still pretty funny because I can imagine you doing that)

You know after I left your house that day I have spent quite a bit of time lying on my floor. My mom called me a weirdo but I find it relaxing.

I'm writing a bunch of new songs and it's been a blast. I'm actually enjoying myself and looking on the bright side of things because I have a lot to look forward too.

My team is planning a tour next year and we ARE looking for an opening aaaaaaact and we need someone who is amazing and talented. (I'm just saying you would be perfect for it) I know I know it's just for fun and blah blah blah. We have had this conversation already but STILL. It would be so much FUN.

Think about it okay?
From, your Ruel♡

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