Chapter 3

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I stand up from the table with fire behind my eyes. Joey gives me a look as if to challenge me. I step forward.

"I think you should leave now"

"Excuse me?" He said shocked.

"Leave" I say with more force.

I guess I'm glad that I took a karate class with Kelly. He goes to slap me I close my eyes but my reflexes take over. I raise my arm to stop his hand. The first time I have ever stood up to Joey. We both stand there shocked.

Soon I realize what I have done and gain more confidence. I start pushing him towards the door.

"I don't want to ever see you back here again. We are done okay? I'm done with you and your temper."

Now he's the one panicking.

"Come on babe, lets just work this out"

I finally get him out the door and now he starts to resist. I quickly shut the door behind me so he can't get back through.

"There is nothing to work out because I realize now that I don't need you."

His eyes turn angry. He immediately runs towards me and I don't have any time to react. He grabs my throat and holds me against the door.

I try to squirm out of his grip but he's too strong.

"Let's just talk this out" he says in a false sweet tone. He grips my throat tighter. If he keeps doing this I know I would pass out. I'm already feeling faint and my hands are starting to give up.

"Come on babe, I know you don't mean anything you said."

I close my eyes as the pain gets unbearable. When I start to think it can't get any worse he lets go. I slide down to the ground rubbing my throat

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" I hear an unfamiliar voice.

"Who the hell are you?" Says Joey.

I look up to see two figures in a fighting position. It's Joey and someone I don't know. The stranger is very tall.

"You were hurting her!!You could have even killed her!!"

"This doesn't involve you!"

"Why would you do something like that? I can call the police!"

"Oh yeah? I'll make sure you never will"

Joey throws a punch and hits the stranger directly in the nose.

A drop of blood falls to the ground and that's when he reacts.

It's a little hard to follow along so sorry about that!!
I'm trying to improve my writing so please leave comments and stuff

Also Ruels song face to face is SO GOOD
Okay bye :) xx

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