Chapter 34

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We finally reach Tim Horton's.

I'm about to reach for the door when ruel pushes me out of the way.

"Hey!" I say, confused.

"Oops sorry, I wanted to do this" he says and opens the door for me.

I just laugh and walk in.

There were only a couple people sitting down at the tables so it was pretty quiet.

When we were looking at the menu on the wall Ruel grabbed my hand again.

"So what are we getting?" He asks looking lost.

"I think I'm gonna get a dark roast, double double." I say

"What's double double?" He asks me.

"Two milk and two sugars"

"Okay, I'll get that too"

We go up and order, never letting go of each others hands.

When she tells us the total and I reach into my pocket to get the money but when I look up, Ruels already handing her a 20.

"Hey" I say pouting.

"Nica, don't even start with me. You literally made me lunch and I'm staying at your house. Let me pay for this one thing."


"You two are adorable" the lady at the register tells us.

We both blush.

"Thanks" mumbles Ruel.

When we get our drinks we sit down at a small two person table by the window.

Our legs touch underneath the table because it's so small, but also because Ruel has long legs.

We sit in silence for a little bit.

" what are you planning on doing in the future? Any job ideas?" Ruel asks me.

"I honestly have no idea what the heck I'm doing. I'm not particularly good at anything"

"Are you kidding me?"

"What?" I say.

"First of all," he says putting down his drink and folding his hands, "you have the voice of an angel. You could definitely make it as a singer."

"But a singer isn't a pro-"

"SECONDLY" he says cutting me off, "you are an incredible artist. Like really amazing. Your paintings were so beautiful, just like you"

I feel my face go red but I still protest.

"Ruel those aren't considered real j-"

"THIRD" he says cutting me off again, "you could be a ninja because you kicked your ex pretty hard this morning which really saved my butt"

"Well first of all, you can't exactly make a living out of being a ninja."

"Sure you can. People pay you to kick other people's-"

"SECONDLY," I say cutting him off like he did to me, " it's very hard to make it as an artist and try to sell your paintings. Most artists don't become famous until their dead and I don't want that life."


"THIRD" I say cutting him off again " you have to have connections in the music industry to even start your career AND the songs that I try to write are terrible."

"Hmmmm so you DO write songs" Ruel says.

"Is that all you got from this conversation?" I ask him. "All those ideas are dreams. Except for the ninja one. That's not even real."

"You said that you have to have connections in the music industry right?" He says.


"I can pull some strings and talk to my manager Nica!"

"Wait what"

"You could even open for me when I go on tour!! We can even write songs together!! We could be a team!!" Says Ruel while looking off into the distance, thinking.

"Wait I can't just ask you to do that for me."

"Huh? Why not?"

"Obviously its an amazing opportunity for me but I don't want to use you!" I say.

"No no, it's totally fine!" He leans forward and grabs my hand that was on the table.


"No Nica. Just think about it okay? I would hate for you to waste your talent. Just think about it okay?"

"Okay" I say.

Ruel let's go of my hand.


Okay this chapter was definitely longer

I think I'm gonna change the original ending that I had planned and make it so it's happy and could potentially lead to a part 2?

I don't know yet lmao

This story isn't even close to finishing so we will see!!


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