Chapter 40

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"Which movie do you want to watch?" I ask

"Hmmm what about Annabelle? I haven't had time to watch that yet"

"Whaaaaaat? We have to watch it"

We both sit down cuddling under a blanket and start the movie.

Ruel and I are both making comments about the movie the whole time.

"Oh my gosh she's coming. The suspense music is playing I swear to god she's coming" I say, half shielding my eyes with the blanket

"That's what she said" ruel whispers.

I smack his chest.

"Jeez ruel" I say laughing.

"OH FUCK" Ruel yells at a jump scare.

We both end up laughing through the rest of the movie even though it was pretty scary.

I rub my eyes and stretch my arms out.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Almost 1:30"

"Oh wow"

I hear ruel yawn.

"Are you tired ruel?"

"Pfft no" he says yawning again.

He goes in for a kiss but I swerve.

"I'm sorry ruel but your lip"

"Awwww Nica come onnnnn" he whines.

He puts his head on my shoulder and his hair flops into his face.

"You can't kiss me but I can kiss you" I say gently pushing his hair back.

Where am I getting this confidence from?

I have no idea

I mean yolo right?

Ruel immediately sits up and pulls me over onto his lap.

I put my hands on his chest and attach my lips to his neck.

His hands are on my waist and he throws his head back.

"Holy shit Nica"

I stop

"Am I doing something wrong?" I ask

"No no, everything is right"

We continue


guys omg I just realized it's been over a year since I started this story!!!


I can't believe I've made it to 40 chapters

Thank you guys so much for reading, voting and commenting!!!!


||Just one day|| Ruel Van Dijk|| (completed)Where stories live. Discover now