Chapter 46

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I think we are both feeling pretty sad because we know that our time is coming to an end.

I force myself to smile and look up at Ruel.

"Want to go inside and help me make some pancakes?" I ask.

"Yeah of course" he says with a small smile.

We take our time covering up the couch.

"You go down first" I say.

He he swings his legs over and gets ready to climb down while I hold the ladder.

Before he starts climbing down he kisses me and grins.

I can't help but laugh.

We finally make it inside and I start getting the ingredients ready.

"Here, can you measure out the water please?" I ask Ruel, handing him the measuring cup.

"Yes ma'am"

I start to measure out all the dry ingredients and the flour goes everywhere.

"Oh my goodness" I say laughing, trying to wave away the cloud of flour.

"Holy shit look at your shirt Nica" he says laughing at me.

"How did you manage to do that?" He says

"I don't knowwwww"

I let Ruel crack an egg and pour the water in while I mix everything.

As I'm mixing, I feel Ruel wrap his arms around me. He puts his head on my shoulder and I feel his lips graze my neck.

"I don't want to leave you" he whispers in my ear.

I stop mixing and place my hands over his.

"I wish you could stay forever" I tell him


Sorry this chapter ended kinda suddenly

I'm so glad ppl are actually enjoying this story!!!

Thanks for reading!!


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