Chapter 73

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The next day I wake up in Ruels arms again. I try to slowly escape so I can get up but he pulls me back in.

"Noooo" he groans sleepily

"Ruel im getting up" I whisper, trying to wiggle out.

Ruel flips over so he's lying on top of me.

"Now try and get out" he says with his eyes still closed.

"Ruuuuuuuel" I say laughing.


He burys his head in my neck and I run my hands through his hair.

"We have so many things to do today!!" I tell him.

"What are we even doing" he mumbles

"We are going on a picnic today!! And we are probably gonna do some shopping too!! Coco says she needs to get a dress cuz she's going out tomorrow"

"Mmmm five more minuets"

"Ruel, you've done this everyday"


"If I don't get up to brush my teeth I can't kiss you" I tell him

He rolls off of me and falls off the bed.

"I thought there would be more space!" He tells me grumpily as I sit there and laugh at him.

"Come on, up you get" I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him up.

He jumps up and leans in for a kiss but I stop him.

"Slow down boi, no kisses remember"

He groans and puts his head on my shoulder.

"We have to get ready for the day!" I tell him.

"Fiiiiiine, but only because I want you to kiss me"



Ugh they are so cute I literally can't even

I just realized there isn't much conflict in this book but i don't like conflict lol

Anyways thanks for readingggg


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