Chapter 67

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Nica's POV

Okay I'm not even going to lie.

I miss ruel.

Ugh I miss him so much.

It's been a while since I got a letter from him too. Maybe there's like mail traffic or something. I honestly have no idea how mail works like who even uses the mail. Well I guess I do now.

Oh I had a terrible day today and I really needed a good cry. It was just one of those days where a bunch of little things went wrong and I just feel exhausted.

I decided to watch inside out because it's a really sweet story but also kind of sad so I put on some comfy clothes, got some snacks and started watching.

When it got to the part where bing bong faded away I was crying so hard. Bing bong didn't deserve it but he did it for Riley and now he's just forgotten.

All of a sudden I hear a knock at my door. Who the hell is knocking on the door while BING BONG IS OVER HERE SACRIFICING HIMSELF FOR THE GREATER GOOD.

I quickly try to wipe away my tears and go to open the door. I put my hand on the door knob and I hear some people speaking on the other side although I can't quite make out what they are saying.

I open up the door only to be faced with ruel.

"SURPRISE" he yells

"Oh my goodness ruel!! What are you doing here" I gasp, stepping away in shock.

He opens his arms and I jump into him. I bury my head into his neck.

"I promised I would be back" he whispered.

"I missed you" I tell him

"I missed you too"

We stay like that for awhile until I hear an awkward cough come from behind him. We both pull away.

"Oh yeah, Nica, this is coco, coco this is Nica" Ruel says, gesturing to each of us in turn.

"Oh wow hi!!" I say.

"Hi I've heard so much about you!! Umm are you okay? Surely you're not crying because of Ruel" she says.

"Oh I'm so sorry," I say wiping away my tears "I was just watching inside out and bing bong died and I was just in my feelings, Anyways come in come in!! Wow I can believe you guys came all this way!! You must be so tired!! Did you come by yourselves?" I say rambling.

"Yeah I was going to come alone but coco came to supervise or something I don't know. Mum wouldn't let me fly out by myself" he says.

They both come inside and I notice coco dragging a suitcase behind her.

"Are you guys staying for awhile?" I ask.

"We are planning to stay for a week!!" Ruel says excitedly.

Ruel sits down next to me at the table and Coco just walks around the kitchen. Our fingers interlock and I lean my head on his shoulder as we start talking.

"Right, so when are you free during this week?" Ruel asks.

"Ummm almost everyday, why?"

"Welll I got you a studio session with a producer here and he's willing to help you with your songs!! I hope you don't mind that I played them for him but he thinks they're great, although production and stuff could use some work."

"WOW REALLY?!?" I yell, lifting my head up to face him.

"Yep" he says laughing.

"Oh my gosh wow!! Thank you thank you thank you!!" I say giving him a hug.

"Damn Nica, why do you have this ugly ass photo of Ruel on your fridge?" Coco asks.

Ruel and I both look at each other and laugh.


Yay things are happening in the story!!

Hopefully you guys are still enjoying this book!!

Thanks for reading!!


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