Chapter 15

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Ruels pov

While Nica is setting up the board game I stare at her.

I just can't help it.

She's so beautiful.

Everything about her is so intriguing.

Especially her eyes.

I get caught looking at her and quickly look away.

From the corner of my eye I see her turn red. She seems to do that a lot and I smile to myself. She's so cute.

"Okay do you wanna go first? I think you might need the head start" she says smirking.

"No way. I don't need a head start. You can go first" I reply.

"Okaaaaaaay" she says chuckling.

We start playing and it's really fun.

There's a lot of teasing involved.

We were getting very close to finishing the game and it was so close.

I almost died when I had to move a whole two spaces back.

She was so close to the end I was SURE she was gonna win.

She slowly revealed the card she drew and I gave a huge sigh of relief. Thank god she only moved one space forward.

"I'm still winning" she says.

"You're still beautiful" I mumble.

Oh god.

I hope she didn't hear that.

"Sorry what was that?" She asks.

"Oh nothing nothing" I quickly reply. I hope I'm not turning red.

She shrugs.

I mimic what she just did by slowly and dramatically revealing the card.

I don't show her the card just yet.

It's a 5.

I stand up and throw my card down on the table.

"YESSSSS!!" I shout.

I move my piece forward and win.

she has a shocked look on her face.

"What?!?!" She yells.


"DANG IT!!" She shouts laughing.

I start to sing we are the champions because I have to.

"Oh god Ruel" says and hides her face in her hands.

Im doing weird dance moves around the kitchen.

"AGAIN" she shouts.

I crouch down beside her chair.

My lips are right next to her ear.

"Whatever you want Nica " I whisper.

Her face turns a bright shade of red.

She's so goddamn cute when she's blushing.

Was this chapter okay?

Idk if I wanna keep adding things from ruels point of view.

Let me know please!!

Thanks for reading!!!


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