Chapter 78

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Ruel and I have our dinner date with a lot of laughs and a couple dirty looks from old rich people surrounding us.

We were definitely the youngest people in the restaurant and it was the fanciest place I've ever been in my life.

At the end of the dinner we got into an argument about who's going to pay. He insisted on paying but I wasn't about to let him pay for the entire thing. we finally agree on splitting it.

When we get out of the restaurant we decide to go on a walk before heading back.  We walk down random streets, hand in hand.

"Hey Nica, are you cold?" Ruel asks.


"Are you cold?" He repeats.

"Are you seriously asking me, a Canadian, if I'm cold? It's actually kind of warm" I say.

"Nicaaaaa, You were supposed to say that you were cold and I would've given you my jacket and it would've been cliche and cute" ruel says.

"I'm sorry!! I guess I didn't know my lines then" I say laughing "Okay wait let's restart, ask me if I'm cold" I tell him.

"Okay okay" he says clearing his throat "Are you cold Nica?"

"Oh my goodness ruel I'm so cold, i don't think I can go on!! I need someone to save me otherwise I will DIE, oh my god" I say dramatically, holding the back of my hand to my forehead and leaning against ruel.

I can see ruel rolling his eyes and trying to surprise a smile.

"Here you can have my jacket" ruel says, putting it on me.

"Oh my god my SAVIOUR!! my night in shining armour!! My true prince!! Thank you for saving me!" I say dramatically.

"Oh shut uppp" ruel says, blushing and pushing me lightly.

"Oh I'm just teasing you, I'm sorry" I say laughing, and kissing his cheek.

"Thank you Ruel" I say.

"Anything for you" he says, looking right into my eyes.

My stomachs flutters and I hold on to his arm tighter.


Ahhh sorry I haven't updated in a little bit!!

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!

Thanks for reading!


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