Chapter 39

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we make out for a little bit.... we'll maybe not a little bit....

But after a while I notice that Ruels lip is bleeding.

"Ruel your lip" I say while brushing my thumb over the cut.

He reaches up and touches it.

"I guess you bit my lip too hard" he says laughing.

"I think it's time we go inside anyways. It's getting colder"

I escape Ruels arms and stand up.

Ruel gets up with the blanket still wrapped around him and I grab the blanket and pillow we were sitting on.

"Thanks for the help ruel" I say laughing.

"Hey it's cold!! Also I'm injured" he replies pouting.

"Let's just get inside" I say

We leave all the pillows and blankets in a pile on the kitchen floor and I go get ruel a tissue.

Ruel cleans up the cut and goes in for a kiss but I dodge him.

"Ouch" ruel says putting a hand on his heart.

"Sorry ruel But your lip" I say.

"It'll be fine nicaaa"

I give him a peck on the cheek

"Let's find something to do" I say while grabbing his hand.

"Do you wanna watch a scary movie?" He asks

"Is that just so we can cuddle?" I ask him playfully.


He grins.

"How can I say no to that cute smile"



Another short chapterrrr

I'm sorry for not updating for a while!!!

Well thanks for reading!!!


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