Chapter 41

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Once I left a pretty big mark on Ruels neck we kinda had to stop.

We both ended up lying on the couch, me on top of him, with my head on his chest.

It was about 2:00 am and we were both very tired but determined to stay awake.

"Ruel" I whispered


"We can't fall asleep"

"I know"

"But I'm so tired"

"Me too"

"We have to do something that will wake us up"

"Like what?" He says.

I stand up and pull ruel off of the couch.

I start singing that song from beauty and the beast.

I twirl ruel and he has to duck his head to stop himself from running into my arm.

"Nica this is stupid"

"No it's not"

He decides to humour me and we keep dancing.

The whole time we took turns singing while tripping over each other. We end up in a pile on the floor.

"So you're the beats right?" Ruel asks jokingly.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way but ummm"

"What? There's no way IM the beast! I'm obviously belle"

"How could I be the beast? I'm obviously very beautiful" I say while doing a hair flip.

"Excuse me? Look at how beautiful I am"

"Okay okay fine you're right" I say laughing.

I'm sitting crossed legged and he puts his head on my leg.

When I look down I see him staring at me.

It feels like he's staring into my soul.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask him.

"I'm thinking about how much prettier I am than you"

"Hey!" I say smacking him and laughing.

"I'm just kidding. You're obviously the prettiest person i know" he says seriously.

Oh god he's staring into my eyes again

I look away and blush


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