Chapter 14

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I start setting up the board and place all the pieces and things where they need to go.

I am determined to win.

I catch him looking at me but when I do he looks away.

I blush.


For the billionth time this hour.

"Okay do you wanna go first? I think you might need the head start" I say teasingly.

"No way. I don't need a head start. You can go first" he replies stubbornly.

"Okaaaaaaay" I say laughing

We start playing and when our pieces get close to the end of the board it gets really intense.

Ruel draws a card and his face falls.

He has to go back 2 spaces.

"Yessss!!!" I say

"Oh my goodness Nica, if you win...." he trails off.

I slowly and dramatically pick up my card.

I do a big reveal and..... I move one space forward.

Now I'm one space away from the end.

Ruel let's out a big sigh of relief.

"I'm still winning" I say in protest.

He mumbles something under his breath.

"Sorry what was that?" I ask.

"Oh nothing nothing" he says turning a little pink.

I shrug.

He takes a deep breath and slowly picks up a card.

I see his eyes light up. He stands up and dramatically throws the card down on the table.

Oh no.

"YESSSSS!!" He yells.

He moves five spaces forwards and wins.

I'm shocked.

"What?!?!" I yell confused.


"DANG IT!!" I shout laughing.

He starts singing we are the champions.

"Oh god Ruel" I say burying my head in my hands.

He's dancing around my kitchen.

"AGAIN" I shout as he dances right behind my chair.

He crouches down next to me.

"Whatever you want Nica" he says whispering right into my ear.

And I'm pretty sure you can guess what I did.


You guessed it.

I blushed.

The effect he has on me.


I was wondering if you guys would be interested in reading some parts from Ruels point of view?

I'm not sure yet but we will see.

Thank you so much for reading!!

I'm also going to try and post everyday so we will see how that goes!!


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