Chapter 13

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While Ruel is letting his mom know where he is I go pee.

I girls gotta do what she has to do right?

Anyways. It's already 4:00 so I was thinking about some things we can do for the rest of they day.

I really wanna hear some of Ruels music so I went to YouTube and searched his name.

Oh damn. He's like famous famous.

I click on the first video that pops up titled "don't tell me".

It's so good!! I start dancing around my kitchen.

I hear small giggle and turn around to see Ruel standing in the doorway of the kitchen. I blush totally embarrassed but then he joins me.

We're both dancing goofily in my kitchen.

No rhythm. Just moving.

Ruels dance moves look a little funny because he's so tall but it's kinda cute.

All of a sudden he grabs my hand and spins me around.

I spin right into his arms and we pause for a second.

My body pressed against his.

We both inhale at the same time.

And we exhale.

I can feel his heart racing.

He smells so good.

After a second too long we both spin away and for the finale we do the classic.

Jazz hands.

The song ends and we are both laughing.

"Did you really write that song? It sounds so good!!" I said

"Well it does have my face on it" he replies.

His cute face.

Stop. It. Nica.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to play some board games?" I asked still breathing heavily.

It was quite the workout.

"Oh yeah I would love to. What kind of board games do you have?"

"Ooooh can we play candy land?!" I ask excitedly.

"Sure" he says laughing

I go and get the box out from my room and bring it back to the kitchen.

"Just to warn you, I am AMAZING at candy land." I say with a slight smirk.

"We we will see about that because I don't like to lose." he says matching my attitude.

This boy will be the death of me.

But not in candy land.

So I do have plans for where this book is headed but if anyone has any constructive criticism for me it would be greatly appreciated!!

Also candy land is a board game where you draw cards and it tells you how many spaces to move. When you get to the end of the board you win. I'm pretty sure there are different versions but this is the way I play.

Also I have another idea for a book but I don't wanna write another one about Ruel.
Maybe New Hope Club? Or possibly Why Don't We? I'm not too sure yet so let me know what want!!

I'll try to keep updating as mush as possible!

Thank you so much


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