Chapter 9

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By the time the movies done it's around 12:30. Ruel is still cuddled up against me and I realize he's asleep. I carefully turn off the tv and turn so I can see him.

His head is on my shoulder and his hair is covering some of his face.

Am I being a little creepy? Yes. Do I care? No.

I push his hair back and let out a quiet chuckle when it falls back in place.

Before I wake him up I want to mess with him a little bit. I touch his nose to see what would happen. He scrunches his nose and turns so he's burying his face in my shoulder Still sleeping. I then pat his cheek and he groans.

"Ruel you gotta get up" I say laughing.

"Noooooooooo, I don't wannaaaaa"

"I'm gonna make some will probably be chicken strips!!"

"And I'm up" he says getting off my shoulder.

"So now I know what to bribe you with" I say laughing.

I get up and go to the kitchen. I take the chicken out of the freezer and place them on a pan. I put it into the oven and set the timer for 25 minutes.

I go back to the couch and see Ruel sitting up and trying to sort out his hair.

"I don't know how you were able to sleep!! I mean it's really bright in here."

"Sleeping is a special talent of mine." He says with a smug look on his face.

"Of course it is" I say sitting down.

"Anywayyyyys you promised that you would play the piano for me!!" He says.

I sigh dramatically but inside I'm kinda happy he asked. Joey never wanted to hear me play but I wanted to make him work for it.

"Hmmm I don't know....I don't really feel like it." I say with a smirk, challenging him.

"Hmmm I wonder if you're ticklish" he says mocking me.

"Pfft I'm not ticklish" i day trying to sound confident.

"I guess we'll see about that" he says.

I get up from the couch in an attempt to escape but he grabs me using his long arms. He pulls me in so I'm half sitting on his lap half on the couch.

He starts tickling my sides and I giggle and try to squirm out of his grip.

After a few minuet of me trying to escape, breathless from laughter he stops.

"Will you play the piano?" He asks.

I pretend to think.

"No" I say.

He keeps tickling me. We are both laughing and squirming around. Then he grabs my foot and starts tickling me there.

"OKAY OKAY, I'll play for you!!" I tell desperately.

"Yessssss" he says with a smug look on his face.

I notice that I'm sitting on his lap with me legs hanging over the side of the couch. My arms are around his neck. One of his hands are on my waist and the other on my thigh.

I guess we both noticed at the same time and he quickly removes his hands and I let go of his neck.

He clears his throat a little awkwardly and I blush. To try and break the tension I grab his hand.

"Come on" I say pulling him from the couch.

We both go to the kitchen and I open up the piano. Ruel sits on a chair behind me.

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