Chapter 36

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I finish making the sandwiches even though ruel was bugging me the whole time.

He was distracting me with hugs and kisses which was very cute but he was also poking me which is not cute.

Okay maybe it is cute.

I also grab two hot water bottles and some pillows to bring outside.

One blanket gets spread on the ground and the other one wraps around the both of us.

Ruel drapes the blanket over his shoulders and arms and then grabs me so we are both cocooned inside the blanket with the hot water bottles and sandwiches.

We are leaning against the side of the house with pillows.

We start to eat our sandwiches.

My head is leaning on Ruels chest until I feel something fall on my head.

"Oh my goodness sorry Nica" he says wiping crumbs off of my head.

"Oh my goodness Ruel" I say laughing.

I move my head to avoid any more crumb spillage.

We sit silently for a little bit until I decide that I don't care if he spills any more crumbs so I put my head back on his chest.

We sit silently for a little bit.

"Oh look there's a star" Ruel says pointing at the sky.

"I love the stars but I hate how we can't see that many of them" I say.

"Did you know that most of the stars we see are burnt out? It just takes a long time for the light to reach us, so by the time it reaches earth it's already gone." Says Ruel.

"Damn when did you become an astronomer Ruel?"

We both laugh.

I try to enjoy the moment but it's a little hard when I keep thinking about tomorrow.


Wow wow wow wow wow
I can't believe ppl are actually voting for my story?
Like whaaaaaat!!!

Thank you thank you thank youuuuu


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