Chapter 17

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After about 20 minutes into the movie I get up to go grab some water. I feel weirdly energetic.

All I can think about is Ruel.

I grab my cup from the cupboard and turn on the water. (A/n, where I'm from we just drink straight up tap water)

I fill up my cup while thinking about how Ruels hair flops perfectly in his face. I turn around and almost crash into him.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" I yell while trying to steady the water. (A/n "I could've dropped my CROISSANT")

"Jesus Ruel you're like a freaking ninja" I say putting a hand on my heart.

"I'm sorry but I just wanted some water" he says laughing.

"For someone that's like 7 feet tall, you can be pretty quiet"

"Actually I'm only 6 foot 4"

6 foot 4 inches of CUTENESS.

"Pfft only" i way teasingly.

I go back to watching the movie and Ruel comes back and joins me. We were still snuggled up to each other.

After a couple of minutes I could feel Ruel staring. I meet his eyes and I look away blushing.

God dang it. Not AGAIN Nica!!

"Stop doing that Ruel" I say

"Doing what?" He asks teasing me.

He knows exactly what he's doing.

He puts his hand gently under my chin so I'm forced to meet his eyes.

He stops there.

"Just stop" I whisper.

"I can't"

I can tell he wants to kiss me because he keeps looking down at my lips.

Let's just get my heart broken.

I flip my leg over so I'm on top of him. He looks surprised by my confidence. IM surprised by my confidence.

I put one hand on his chest and one around his neck while he grabs my waist. He pulls me in closer to him.

I lean in so our noses are almost touching.

All I can do is look into his eyes.

I let him fill in the space between us.

And the doorbell rings.

I'm so sorry but you could probably tell this was coming.

Sorry these chapters are short but I'll keep trying to post chapters consistently.

thanks for still reading!!


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