Chapter 25

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We immediately start another round of Mario cart.

We are on our last race right now and I'm in the lead.

"Look who's winning right now Ruel. Think you're so tough now?"

"Shut up Nica, it's not over yet" he replies.

"I'm so winning" I say confidently.

"Oh yeah?" He says, and snatches my remote out of my hands.

"Hey!! That's cheating!!" I yell, laughing.

I try to grab the remote back but he keeps it out of my reach, while continuing to play. I start to climb over him to try to reach the remote.

We are almost falling off the couch at this point until ruels hand finally reaches the wall and knocks the white sheet off of its pins.

The sheet comes crashing down on us. Ruels laughing from underneath the tarp but I start to panic. I quickly try to escape but ruel hugs me and pulls me in.

"I guess neither of us are winning this round" he says with a huge grin on his face.

He leans in and kisses me. Ugh i can't get enough of those kisses but This is not the time. I pull away.

"That's enough of that for now" I say, laughing nervously as I try to find a way to escape.

I quickly get out and try to put the tarp back in place as soon as I can.

I can't let him see the wall.

But of course, this is a big wall and I am a tiny person.

He very obviously can see the wall that I tried so hard to cover up.



Oh my gosh I am so so so sorry.
My life got super busy and I had exams and then a break.
I'm gonna be travelling quite a bit so I won't be able to update that frequently but I'll try my best!!

Thanks for reading!!

||Just one day|| Ruel Van Dijk|| (completed)Where stories live. Discover now