Chapter 65

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Hi Nica

What's been floating your boat?

Ahoy matey?? Seriously? That's what you could come up with? That's DISGUSTING.

Anyways I got a plant and it's a little cactus. It's name is green bean and I have been doing everything with it. I have enclosed a selfie I took with it and you can probably see the matching friendship bracelets we have on. We have been having a lot of late night conversations so it knows all about you. Green bean thinks it's stupid that you're not texting me but I'll have to live with that.

I'm also sending over some bucket hats in a little box so it should arrive soon (I think). There's a denim one and a stripy one and I think a flower patterned one and then there is obviously a Ruel one from my merch (haha please wear it everywhere and promote my music). I think there's another one but I forget what it looks like.

Okay now to the important stuff. Your are a LIAR. You said you couldn't write songs. What you sent me was AMAZING except I also agree that we could work on the production a little bit. I have the original song saved on the USB but I also have another file that has an updated version of the song. Take a listen and let me know what you want to adjust.

Also I talked to my manager and the technicalities of you coming on tour with me are iffy. You have to be signed and have a manager and things like that so IF you agree then we could get all of that sorted.....

But yes keep thinking about it.

I will be awaiting your scarf
(Even if it takes forever)
Love, Ruel xx

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