Chapter 57

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Nica's POV

After a couple of weeks I was able to function semi-normally.

Everywhere I looked was a reminder of all the things we did that night but I did my best to not cry ALL the time.

Then on the third week a letter appeared from none other than Ruel himself.

Ofc he would send me a goddamn letter.

Who even uses the mail anymore?!?

I thought about not even opening it and just pretending that the letter never came but I know I couldn't do that.

I rip open the envelope and start to read.

Hey Nica!!

So I know you said that things wouldn't work out and blah blah blah but you also said that you loved me (come ON Nica we both know you did) But holy fucking shit Nica please give me a chance!! Can we at LEAST be Pen Pals?? I'm really hoping you say yes because I'm going to fill you in on the tea sis.  You know my manager was pissed at me cuz of the hickey YOU left me!! I had to use makeup to cover that up so thanks for that. That's really all the tea. Well the weather has been nice here and I'm taking a little break so I've been going to the beach and stuff. I told my sisters all about you and they think you're amazing. Im sorry I wasn't able to actually come visit but my mum won't let me go anywhere by myself. Oh well, I WILL be back eventually because I intend to keep my promise. I hope I see you soon and I really hope you can write me back!!!

Yours truly, Ruel XX

Ps. Here's my phone number (12345678910) in case you decide to text me although knowing you, you're going to make it difficult  for me.

It didn't take me long to decide that I was going to write him back, even if international shipping fees are a bitch.

I guess I have a pen pal now.

And let's be real, I was not ready to just cut all my ties to ruel.


ahhhhhh okay okay

Do you guys wanna actually read the letters that they send each other or should I just end it soon??

Idk what you wanna seeeeee

Lmao anyways thanks for reading!!


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