Chapter twenty five

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One month later


"Goddamit." I hissed and dropped the phone back onto its hook, my head starting to throb. One thing I hated was things being cancelled at the last minute. Now I had the meeting set up, everything ready to go just to have it get cancelled ten minutes beforehand. I dropped back onto the chair and huffed. "Alexa!" I shouted and seconds later, the door was swung open and she was rushing in. "Can you bring a- oh.." I mumbled when she held up the plastic bag.

"I left a few minutes early to pick up your lunch.. hope that's okay?" I smiled softly and nodded.

"Of course, shows initiative." I grabbed the plastic and the açaí tea and set in on my desk. When I pulled out the food, Alexa started to leave but I called her back. "Did you grab yourself something?"

She looked stunned as she looked behind her before shaking her head. "Uh.. no?"

I opened the container and beckoned her over. "This burrito is huge, we'll split it." She cautiously walked over and sat in the chair opposite my desk. "Unless... are you a vegan or something-"

"Oh no, I could never give up meat." She chuckled and I nodded, cutting down the middle before putting it on a napkin and handing it to her.

"Same. Vanessa forgets sometimes and makes her vegetarian pizza shits and it makes me wanna barf." I turned to the mini fridge I had and grabbed an Arizona tea. "Thought you'd like one of these."

"Oh yes," she whispered, raising her hands and taking it with a smile. "Thank you, Miss uh Y/n."

I nodded and leaned back in the chair. "No problem, Lex." She slowly picked up the burrito and took a bite, her eyes falling closed. "Good?"

Blush rushed to her cheeks as she nodded. "Mhm.. sorry," she swallowed the piece as she opened the tea. "Haven't had something that good in a while."

My eyebrows furrowed as I leaned up. "Why's that? If you don't mind me asking.."

She shook her head and softly smiled. "I'm in college so uh all my money goes to books and rent.. so Ramen and pizza is the route." I nodded in understanding. I never experienced the college life but I could imagine how hard it was.

"Hey you know," I cleared my throat and sat up. "You know you can come to me. Rather it's just to talk or grab some lunch or help with rent I don't know. But I'm here."

She looked down at her lap and sighed. "Thank you.. but this is enough, really. I'm learning so much with this job and I couldn't ask for more."

I smiled and picked up my burrito. "Well I'm glad. You've helped a lot around here, more than you know." She simply thanked me before taking another bite, me following suit.


"Ugh fuck." I groaned, dropping onto the bed with a huff. I heard a soft giggled before feeling her weight settle on my butt.

"Hard day?" She whispered, her hands pressing into my tense back. I closed my eyes when she leaned down and the smell of vanilla wafted into my nose as she kissed my ear.

"A little bit, yeah." I mumbled with a smile while she massaged my muscles.

"Unbutton your shirt." She commanded and I nodded, rolling onto my stomach as I undid my shirt while staring at her forestry green eyes. Leaning down, she pressed her lips against mine softly before raising up and undoing the rest. She slid the shirt down my shoulders and motioned me to flip back over, so I did.

I heard a cap open and close before I felt her hands back on my skin but with some warm oil that I'm sure she got from Bath and Body Works. Work, goddamit. That reminded me on how I still needed to set up the studio time for-

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