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This is a new Maylor (with a splash of Deacury thrown in) story that johndeaconenthusiast and I have been working on for a while now!
It's a bit darker, than my last series, but I'm hoping you all will love it just as much!
Spoiler alert though; it is an mpreg, so if that's not your thing, I'm sorry, but we thought it would be a cool idea and decided to give it a go!
Let me know what you think! 💕*

"Just smile Brian, you can do that. Just smile and bear through it. You can do it." I told myself as I sat at the pub table with my "friends". I didn't want to be here. I hated socializing. Who even liked socializing anyway? Who enjoyed listening to people babble on about bullshit? I didn't. I hated uni drinks. I didn't want to spend my Friday night listening to bunch of low lives talking about knowing nothing about bloody everything. I only came because Roger begged me to. Roger. I'd do anything for Roger fucking Taylor. I swear sometimes he knew it too. It's like he knew I'd die for him. Dramatic? Yes. A lie? No.

"Bri! Oi!" Speak of the devil, and he arrives bringing a tray of shots.

"Hi Rog." I sighed, not holding back a real smile as he sat beside me, placing the tray of 6 shots in front of us.

"We're getting fucked tonight." He smirked, nodding to the tray as he sat up, crossing his legs under his ass like a child. I swear when I thought I couldn't love him any more, he makes my heart melt all over again.

"We got fucked last night." I chuckled, both at how dirty that sounded, and because we ended up downing a whole bottle of vodka after dinner (at Rog's request).

"Nothing wrong with two in a row is there?" He smirked again, taking one of the shots for him, and one for me, handing me the glass with a smile.

"Do I want to know what this is?" I asked, turning my nose up at the strong stench coming from the alcohol.

"It's probably best you don't Bri." He snickered, nodding at me to down the shot with him. I nodded back, both of us downing the burning liquid quickly, before slamming the glasses on the table.

"Oh, fuck! That's, Jesus Rog." I grimaced, both the flavour and the heat of the drink making me gag a little. The blonde giggled, covering his mouth slightly as he smile at me. He really knew how to send my heart into a flutter. He had to know what he was doing, he always managed to do it without even trying.

"That was just round one Bri! Don't be a baby and wuss out on me before we finish!" He laughed, taking the second row of shots off the tray.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I laughed back as he handed me the small glass.

"I'm building up your tolerance for when we can afford the good stuff." He replied, nodding at me again as we downed the next batch of burning alcohol.

"It might be a while before we're ordering top shelf Rog." I coughed, sitting the glass back on the tray.

"It could be sooner than you think." He winked, picking up round three.

"And what does that mean?" I smirked, knowing he was up to something. Roger was always up to something, and it was usually never very good in my opinion.

"I found us a gig!" He smiled widely before chucking the last shot back. I stopped, the glass just meeting my lips as his words sank in.

"A gig?" I questioned, not believing him. "An actual gig?"

"Yes Bri, an actual bloody gig!" He smiled again, taking my shot and downing that too.

"Wha-how?" I asked, still in shock that he'd managed to find us an actual (hopefully paying) gig.

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