Introduction - Potions accident

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This is very unlike my usual stories...but...I thought it would be funny to write so- here it is. Be sure to tell me if you want more!

Harry Silently stirred his potion an iratible look on his face. He was sixteen, Snape, surprisingly, had insisted on keeping his job as the potions master, was making the class attempt to make an antidote for some sort of poisonous bite. Of course Snape had done everything he could to make life a living nightmare for Harry, the least of these string of terrible things was definitely when Snape explained as far away from Harry as possible so as to prevent him hearing what do to properly, and the chalk board seemed to be further back then usual.

     It appeared that he wasn't the only one having struggles to make this potion, as Neville Longbottom and Ron Weasely were both whispering harshly, trying to get Hermione Grangers attention, which she was obviously ignoring. Casually glancing around the room he saw that everyone seemed to be struggling. Except for a particular blond he happened to hate, who appeared to be on the last step and already had a vile out ready to scoop up his potion.

    As he zoned out staring at the blond and what he was doing he heard a nervous yell from behind him. He quickly turned around. "Ah! Neville what did you put in this?!" Hermione yelped her arm flying up, trying to avoid the bubbling concoction. "I'm sorry! I thought it was wormwood not-" Neville was interrupted by a large bang as his ruby red potion spluttered and exploded loudly. The potion seemed to go everywhere, reaching right up to Snapes desk, where Snape stood behind it his eyes wide with shock.
    "Ne-!" He began before stopping dead in his tracks as a loud pop rang through the classroom. Neville Longbottom had taken a new form and was curiously looking around the room, now looking like a four year old. Hermione who was beside him looked terrified. A pink smoke had filled the room above there heads. A second pop ran through the room as she two shrank.

   Next it was Dean, than Parvati, followed by Lavender. Eventually all the Gryffindors who had been sitting together, away from the Slytherins, were all small four year olds each of which was quiet and confused looking as they tugged on their overly large robes except Harry who was at the front. Another loud pop went off as the boy who had just put his own potion into a small glass vile shrank in his seat. A lot of the Slytherins edged and shifted to see their 'prince' as a small child. Draco was, it would be a lie to say anything other, was adorable. His eyes were large, grey and shiny, much unlike his now. A few of the Slytherins where clearly holding in laughter and the boy looked around at the Gryffindors.

    Pansy Parkinson let out a stifled laugh which caught the young Malfoys attention. A small frown took over his face as his eyes seemed to become sparkly. Thick tears began streaming down his cheeks. Before he could hear or see anyone's reactions a harsh stabbing like pain seered through his entire body as a pop louder than any of the others rung through his ears. Suddenly everything was black...just pitch black...

He seemed to have lost all senses as to what he should do. As their Professor he should be stepping in, but he had no idea what this potion was exactly. All he knew was that it was turning everyone who breathed in the fumes into toddlers. His first action was to cover his nose and mouth with his hand. He clamped both hands tightly over them.

    Second was to tend to the screaming and wailing Draco, the only one who was crying. He quickly approached and scooped up the child before going to the only part of the room the fume hadn't yet reached. He set Draco down and shrunk his shirt and trousers, leaving his robes as a blanket and wrapping him in them.

    Another wailing sound filled the room as he covered his mouth ready to dive in again. This time, to his surprise honestly, it was Harry Potter, who last time he checked was still a teen but now appeared as a small child who was crying his eyes out, although not as bad as Draco was.

   He ran into the crowd of babies and gently lifted the small boy who's glasses were now falling of his face. He ran back to Draco with Harry and did the same for him. He took a moment to appreciate the gayness as Harry instead of using his own robes curled up in the Slytherin ones alongside Draco. His brief smile ended when another crying sound came. Turning on his heel his eyes searched the room.

   The Weasely had spotted a perfectly dead spider in a jar hanging on the roof. He waved his wand and black clouds filled each jar. Snape reached for his store cupboard handle and yanked it open. There in a large cage filled with treats at the bottom, stood Severus's large owl. It was a gift from Lucius the day Lucius his third year. Although he and Lucius had already broken up at that point he rememberd feeling a terrible dread that day.

   He grabbed a piece of parchment that was nearby and an old quill, dipping it in some ink that clearly hadn't spilled long ago because it still was wet.

This may sound like I'm going insane but my entire class just turned into toddlers and I don't know what to do.

- Severus

The writing was much unlike his own and rushed but it was good enough. Opening the door of the cage the owl chirped happily and landed on Snapes shoulder it's white and black feathers fluffy and soft. He, to rushed to tie it to the owls leg, shoved it at its mouth, which opened in response, and flung open the cupboard door and it flew out the classroom door, all the way up to Dumbledores office.

   He stared fondly after the owl zoning out completely. The sound of a noisy yell snapped him out of it entirely. 'MINE!' A small female voice called. Turned his head the direction of the commotion he recognised the girl it came from as Pansy Parkinson. He had seen her at this age before. One day he had been visiting Lucius, more like babysitting Draco and his friends saying as Lucius left, and the young girl had been there playing with Draco. She was attempting to tug a Slytherin tie from another Slytherin girl, called Millicent Bulstrode.

   The fumes had vanished leaving it clear that everybody was a 4 year-old. He, at a fast pace, walked up to Pansy and kneeled beside her. He easily took the tie from her and have it to Millicent. Having to act fast based on the fact Pansy would explode in tears any moment now, he quickly took off the tie that was on her own oversized shirt and gave it to her, shrinking the rest down to fit her.

   He did the same with Millicent. After going around the entire class he had shrunken everybodys uniform. Except for Hermonies who had somehow managed to complete this action on her own. As he turned back to Harry and Draco his heart temporary melted. Draco was snuggling up against Harry.

    A loud bang came from behind him. Ronald had somehow knocked a chair over. Rushing over and picking it up, he made sure nobody around got hurt by it and pushed it securely into the desk. His robes suddenly felt a bit lighter. He hastily turned around. Hermione was now holding his wand. 'Ah- hey! Can I have that back?' He asked her serenely, although he was quite the opposite of calm on the inside. 'Uwh...nwo?' She muttered quietly spinning the wand around in her small hands. She pointed it at his with a triumphant look on her face, oblivious to the fact she was pointing it at herself. 'Be careful!' He warned sternly gently turning the wand away from her. It was now pointing at him. Hermione mumbled something he couldn't make out.

    For a split second nothing happened. Next second he was hanging upside-down at wand point by a four year-old, who at this point was practically a muggle. At that exact moment who else than Albus Dumbledore came strolling in?

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