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Winter Rose Academy is a private high school where talented students all across japan studies. One morning, they've been talking to each other. It wasn't about the lesson. But, an incident that took place 4 days ago.

An incident about a very popular male. It was no other than Gomei Kuwanari. Gomei was the most outstanding student in his section and an honor student. He was a pro at Basketball. He won the International Competition a year ago. His handsome appearance caught the attention of the girls. 

4 Days ago the Basketball match finals were canceled. Because of a certain someone who died due to heartache and passed away. He was brought to the hospital. But the thing is, the doctor cannot bring him back alive already.

When this sort of news reached out of his school everybody was in complete shock. Most of the girls cried, Boys were speechless and very depressed, and teachers who had regretted of losing a student who was very hardworking and obedient at all times.

After a week had passed his classmates were still talking about him. The moment their teacher walked in they greeted him with 'Ohayogozaimasu Sensei' and all of them took their seats.

"Well, class I have good news today. We're having a new student joining us today."

The students were in shock and started muttering to each other. The Girls are hoping that it would be a male that could repair their broken hearts, while the Males are expecting it to be a lovely lady. 

"If you're wondering whether it's he or she. Happy to say that it's a girl. I was impressed that she's even the sister of Gomei. Thank God."

The students were shocked again. But, on the other hand, they've never heard Gomei that he had a sister ever since the start of school. Everyone thought that he was the only son. He has a brother and a sister above his age. His other sister in the First Year as well as also popular like him. The girls nodded after the teacher mentioned the gender of the person. Although, they still talk about Gomei. About his handsome appearance, luxurious looking height, and the way he interacts with them. 

The Kuwanari siblings have another family member. It made the boys blush and their hearts beat.

"You may come in. Don't be shy and greet your new friends...Come on now."

When the girl slowly entered the classroom holding her hands together, the classroom suddenly grew chaotic. Making the girl even more scared.

Everyone was saying...


"Oh my god. Hang out with me."

"Does she have any boyfriend?"

"Her cuteness is killing me. That I might die because of it."

"Be my imouto. ahhh!!"

"I will protect you!"

"Guys! Enough already. You're making her scared."

The girl that's standing right in front of their very eyes was shy and calm. She had purple-colored hair that was reaching almost an inch from her waist. Her pink colored lips with white-colored lip gloss, and her purple-colored eyes that would make everyone dramatic. She had a faint blush too on her face since had very white and soft skin that you could pinch it lightly like a gummy bear. Her face was almost the same as Gomei's, but cuter. 

She deeply inhaled and exhaled. She placed both her hands into her chest while inhaling and exhaling. The moment she finished exhaling she spoke.

"Umm...uhh...I...I'm...Gi-Giyumi Kuwanari. N-nice to meet you. I-I actually studied in a different school. However, on that very day, I suddenly got sick so I went overseas. I've been confined for 3 Weeks. I can't even move my body. So, after a month I was finally cured. Now that I'm back to studying once more please treat me well...a-and t-thank you for being nice with my Onii-chan. H-He's such a very kind person. I know that he'll finally take a rest in heaven. Really, t-thank you very much.

After the girl ended her speech everyone went silent all of a sudden. Few of them were blinking twice, some were surprised and some of them dropped their jaws. 

The Girl tilted her head in confusion. Which made her cuter.

The teacher coughed and brought back the class into consciousness again.

" may sit over that table beside the window. That's where your Onii-chan's chair is. Though, he's such a good student of mine. Heh, Guessed I've said too much. We'll discuss this sort of matter later. Now go on. Also, it's fine for you is it not?" (Teacher)

"I-I'm fine with that. Thank you." (Giyumi)

"Anytime. Now go on. We still have topics that we need to discuss so let's not waste any more time." (Teacher)

After she sat on the chair there was a moment of silence.

"Oh Gomei, everyone won't forget all the wonderful things you've shown us. This year will be tough even without you. Anyways, let's get back to business. Open your textbooks to Chapter IV........." (Teacher)

After the 1st Period, the teacher stuffed all of his things in his bag and told the students:

"Alright, everyone. Don't make any ruckus. You may rest for 10-15 MInutes. Your teacher in the next period might come late."

All of them replied with

"Hai Sensei. Thank you for all the hard work you gave to us."

After the teacher had left the classroom almost everyone was surrounding the seat of Giyumi.

"Sup little dude. Welcome to this school of ours."

"Wow. The color of your hair matches your eyes."

"Do you have already a boyfriend?"

"Let's be friends."

"Let's do something fun."

After several questions were asked her eyes started spinning for a second. She was lost in her own thoughts for a moment.

(Inside her head) "H-HOW DID IT END UP LIKE THIS? Dang, it! Gomei Kuwanari. who ended up being the most handsome, attractive, and popular guy in school. But now it's Giyumi Kuwanari. Who ended up attracting people because she's cute and has a sweet little voice. This isn't supposed to happen. People go rot in hell. (Giyumi)


She silently pouted as she was being surrounded by Male and Females. Upon looking up she noticed that her place was very crowded with people. She closed her eyes for a moment and told herself. "I clearly messed up."


Another history has occurred, which took place 30 years ago. It's said that a massive black hole had taken over the entire city of France. Sucking all buildings and other living people. Causing 500 Million Deaths and 300 Missing.

It's said that 10 Spirits had occurred within that incident and they have a weapon called 'Angels'. These Spirits had their powers fully controlled after meeting a Demon Lord. It's said that he was the only person who can control a Spirits' mind and calm them down from their tragedy that they've been through.

Who are these Spirits? And when will they make their move?

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now