Chapter 10: Strength and Intelligence

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After I was done changing into my Uniform for school I walked towards my back. The moment I gazed inside my bag I saw Viola catching some Zs. I tried poking her and it was a success. She finally woke up.

"Mmmmm..." (Viola)

"Viola. I need to go! And Ohayo Goizamas." (Giyumi)

She stretched for a bit and then gazed at me.

"Ahh! Master. S-Sorry for that." (Viola)

She jumped out of my bag and transformed into her human form.

"I'm really sorry if I can't spend my time with you. I got to start focusing on my studies." (Giyumi)

"It's fine Nya! Besides, I'm a very patient cat. Tehehe." (Viola)

I approached Viola and rubbed her head. As a result, she slowly wagged her tail and started purring.

"Ja. I'll see you later." (Giyumi)

"Take care Master." (Viola)

I nodded as I went outside and closed the door.


I was finally recognized as the Student Council Vice President after we were all gathered in the Gym and was announced by the Chairman of Winter Rose Academy.

As soon as I was walking along the Hallway someone called my name. I turned my back. It was the Chairman!

"Hey, Giyumi. How are you?" (Chairman)

"Umm...I'am fine thank you. How about you Ms.Chino?" (Giyumi)

I was sort of shocked before when I saw the face of WInter Rose Academy's Chairman.

Chino Sutera Scrophularia. Age: Unknown. Chairman of Winter Rose Academy. Role: Imperial Knight (1st Class). (Her appearance is the picture shown above)

"Well, I'm doing great too. I wasn't able to overcome the sadness about the news of your twin brother's death. At first, I thought that we had no more hope in this school without the most popular 1st Year of High School. I was pretty damn surprised when I heard that he had a Twin Sister, which is apparently you. I'm proud of you, trying to take his place. Since you're popular too. Looks like I made a very wise decision." (Sutera)

Ms.Scrophularia said as she gazed on the floor with a happy-sad visage.

"M-Ms.Scrophularia? Are you okay?" (Giyumi)

*Shakes her head* "H-Huh? Oh! I'm okay. Don't mind me. I'll talk more exciting things if I have spare time. I'll be seeing you." (Sutera)

She bowed as she left. 

Gee, I wonder what's wrong with her. 

As I continued walking along the hallway I saw crowds of people watching something. As soon as I went through the crowd I saw a group of boys bullying one of my classmates.

"Hey, Kid! Give me your lunch money or you'll be sorry." (Male Bully)

*Trembling a bit* "N-No! I won't." (???)

"Hey, bruh. It seems like he doesn't want to give his money." (Male Bully 3)

After that Male Bully said that he gave a punch to my classmate's stomach. I had no choice but to interfere.

"Well, well, well. It seems like you're trying to bully an innocent person." (Giyumi)

Most of my schoolmates blinked after I've interfered with the ongoing scene. And then they started whispering to each other.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now