Chapter 47: Yokohama's Purification and the Possession of the Rebel Witches

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It was already afternoon and I was walking around in town with my spirit friends. Walking around with Princess Aria around seemed to be off Royalty, but she understands that so it was fine according to her.

We were finally about to meet the other two Spirits we've been looking for. It seems like my instincts were right, that the other unidentified spirits were someone we know. They're waiting for us at a restaurant.

As soon as the eight of us entered the restaurant we looked around. Then, when I gazed at the far left I saw...Kanade Onee-san and the Hisakawa Sisters, Nagi and Hayate! So they were spirits too? Princess Aria was right all along, that one of the unidentified spirits is a member of the Yasuwara Family.

When we got to their table I counted the chairs. All in all, it's 11 Chairs, perfect. And so all of us sat down and sighed in relief.

*Dead Serious Tone* So, you three were spirits? Why didn't you tell us sooner?" (Giyumi)

I crossed my arms and darted my gaze at Kanade, Nagi, and Hayate.

"Well, we were too ashamed to spill the beans. I mean, if my Imouto, Atsuni, figured it out. She might do something that I won't be aware of. Like telling it to the Mystic Regiments, since they're on a hunt for Spirits." (Kanade)

"I agree with Kanade-senpai. While they're still on patrol we can't reveal that we're spirits. If we do we'd be dead. It's a 'shoot to kill' order after all." (Nagi)

"And speaking of the Mystic Regiments Giyumi-senpai. Isn't your Onii-chan aware that you're a spirit?" (Hayate)

"Not yet to be precise. If he would figure it out he'd probably put a knife near my neck. I swear, I'm never going to tell him. Otherwise, he'd go insane and start chasing me while holding a very sharp knife." (Giyumi)

"Your family sure are scary you know? I would love to pull a prank." (Miyuki)

I slowly gazed at Miyuki with a dark visage and slowly lifted a very sharp knife from my pocket.

"Ara ara, care to repeat that line?" (Goyumi)

"Umm...I take back what I said..." (Miyuki)

When I executed my scary smile everyone was shocked. Oh boy, I didn't mean to do that on purpose. Well, I'm not sorry for doing that to Miyuki.

I quickly hid my knife before someone suspects me.

"So everyone, do you wanna take the whole Menu for today? It's all on me." (Giyumi)

"THE WHOLE MENU? ARE YOU NUTS?" (All except Giyumi)

"Of course! Besides, I have a huge allowance in my pocket today. So let's all enjoy this day full of happiness." (Giyumi)

After ordering the entire Menu all of us were very exhilarated and ate happily.

After a few moments, my stomach started to hurt again. I excused myself and headed to the female toilet.

I went into a stall and locked the door, dang my menstruation is happening again. I silently groaned and waited for the pain to vanish. After I did I quickly changed my pads and threw the one with blood on the bin. I think I'll try putting on tampons next time.

I deeply sighed and unlocked the door. I washed my hands first before stepping outside the toilet and returning to my table.

"So, Giyumi. How are things with you these past few weeks?" (Aria)

"Well, it's going well. Don't worry about me. My only concern is playing the guitar and all because even though I'm good at using it I sometimes hit the wrong letter." (Giyumi)

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now