Chapter 27: Witnessing the Outside World (Asugi's POV)

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I'm Asugi Kuwanari, the fourth member of the Kuwanari family. I existed in this world after I had been a fetus inside a cryotube. After 5 Years had passed I've finally woken up from my slumber and opened my eyes as wide as I could. 

I gazed around for a moment, several scientists were working on the other side of this tube. They might be doing their usual experimentation and stuff. I only interact with them if there's anything I feel uneasy about. 

At the age of 12, my big brother Gomei asked me if I could join his organization after 2 more years and so I agreed upon it. As time flies by I just waited until I heard a piece of unhealthy news that Big Brother Gomei had died from his basketball final match around this month.

I had been crying inside my thoughts after that incident. But when Oka-san and Otou-san told me that my big brother was still alive I was relieved. However, the big brother I knew was no longer my big brother, it was already my big sister.


It was Monday and I was able to get used to walking for 48 hours at home. I was on my way to school with Giyumi Onee-chan, Honeko Onee-chan, Tsunoru Onii-chan,  Otou-san, Oka-san, and Kishige. It was my first time traveling with these people and it makes me so happy.

When the five of us exited the car I looked around as we slowly walked towards Winter Rose Academy. We went first to the Principal's Office. The Principal was some sort of Kitsune and she was even eating an apple candy.

"Ah! Mr.Kuwanari how have you been? And who's with you today?" (Naruse)

"Ah, this is the youngest member of our family. Her name's Asugi Kuwanari and she's going to the same section with Giyumi." (Takemoru)

"Oh, really? How old is she?" (Naruse)

"She's already 15 Years Old." (Takemoru)

"Very well then. Mr.Takeshi will take care of them." (Naruse)

"Then I'll take my leave. I'll see you again soon." (Takemoru)

After Otou-san left the Principal's Office Giyumi and I sat down on a couch and the Principal sat beside me.

"Wow Giyumi, you never told me you had a little sister. Well, Gomei didn't tell me about this before he died. She looks cute just like you." (Naruse)

"Aww thank you, Principal Naruse." (Giyumi)

After several minutes a teacher entered the room and gazed at both of us with Giyumi Onee-chan.

"Hey, Naruse, and hey isn't that the new student?" (Takeshi)

"Yes, Takeshi it's the Kuwanari's youngest family member, Asugi Kuwanari." (Naruse)

Takeshi-sensei approached me quickly and held my chin.

"This one looks smart like you Giyumi. I mean she has glasses hanging on her uniform so she might have the same knowledge as you." (Takeshi)

I was speechless and let my sister speak up.

"Well yeah. Should we head to the classroom now?" (Giyumi)

"Oh yeah. Uhh...let's go you two." (Takeshi)

The two of us stood up and exited the Principal's Office and headed to our classroom. When we made it Takeshi-sensei went in first.

"Okay, class so umm...we have a new student in this section. It's yet again a girl and it's Giyumi's little sister. Come in." (Takeshi)

I can hear everybody murmuring to each other inside. Upon Giyumi leading me to the classroom, everybody was overexcited and I could hear the word 'cute' from among the crowds.

A Male Who Resurrected and turned into a GirlWhere stories live. Discover now