Character Introduction (Part 4)

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Princess Aria Medori Fuchiki IzoharaRole: Demon Mage & PrincessAngel: Seraphim

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Princess Aria Medori Fuchiki Izohara
Role: Demon Mage & Princess
Angel: Seraphim

Known to be the 9th Spirit that appeared in Japan. She took over the position of the 2nd Princess (Okadera Yahori) after the conflict that had happened before Gomei's life had been taken. Her spiritual powers were hard to control. So, in order for her to properly use it, she had to communicate with a demon in her dreams.

 So, in order for her to properly use it, she had to communicate with a demon in her dreams

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Katsura Miyuki
Role: Dark Puppeteer
Angel: Sarandiel

She is known to be the 6th Spirit that had appeared in Japan. She wasn't human at all but a living puppet herself. She loved to play with her puppets and stuffed toys ever since she was still a human being. Until a murderer was on the loose and killed both her parents and her for last. When she was near death a Simoiophilite crystal fell beside her. She slowly grabbed it and her soul went inside one of her most precious puppets. Thus, she became a spirit. After she was able to transform into her human form.

 After she was able to transform into her human form

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Ikezuki Yotsune
Role: Elemental Witch

She is one of the young witches who survived during the destruction of Hokkaido. She possesses a strong ability that had been taught by her parents before they passed away. Sometimes, she could be affectionate towards older people.

 Sometimes, she could be affectionate towards older people

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Azutsuka Kyori
Role: Witch Commander

She's one of the oldest witches who had been staying in Hokkaido with her other younger comrades in arms. She's kind, sweet, and delicate towards people she had just met. Sometimes, to make someone her friend she tries to get along with how they treat their own way of life. Meaning, she wants to prove herself that she's not as evil as the real witches that are being told in fairytales.

 Meaning, she wants to prove herself that she's not as evil as the real witches that are being told in fairytales

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Kamakita Tomoko
Role: Demon Witch

A young witch who also calls herself a demon. She may be kind, cute, and courageous. But deep inside her thought she's willing to kill anyone who dares to threaten her with such violence. She is a demon witch who follows the orders of Commander Kyori.

 She is a demon witch who follows the orders of Commander Kyori

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Okuzawa Tatsumi
Role: Witch Agent

She may look like a person who doesn't grasp any power at all. But once she starts carrying out her orders she will be dead serious about killing and all. She is a young witch who could also bring happiness to other people when they're feeling down and always finds a way to solve one's issue.

 She is a young witch who could also bring happiness to other people when they're feeling down and always finds a way to solve one's issue

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Kamakita Tomoko
Role: Witch of the Night 

She is the one and the only witch who's very active during night time. She can control the stars that are twinkling in the sky and use them as an attack towards her foes. She is one of the witches who is under Kyori's Command, helping out the demons and vampires as well.

 She is one of the witches who is under Kyori's Command, helping out the demons and vampires as well

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Prince Shoro Katsuke Fumoto Kuhoshi
Role: Demon Archmge & Prince

He is one of the Top 10 Demons who was able to successfully inherited the throne of the castle as Prince. He often interacts with the 2nd Princess previously. Now that she has gone to another country he awaited for the presence of the 3rd Princess. He swore that he will protect her no matter what the cost is. He's also a Demon who stays dead serious on a battle as well.

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